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We will be in touch shortly with the candidate to ask them to make a full application. Our recruiting team will get in touch with you when we have an update.\n\nIn the meantime, you can check the status of your referral at any time by visiting this <b>link</b> <a href=\"https://app.eightfold.ai/careerhub/myreferrals\">https://app.eightfold.ai/careerhub/myreferrals</a>", "favicons": {"favicon": "https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/ukg-sandbox/1715588905::ukg-favicon"}, "enableTalentNetwork": 1, "homePageHeroBanner": {"opacity": 0, "image": "https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/ukg-sandbox/1723640915::Canada+PCS+top+banner_no+text.jpg", "hideInMobileView": false, "useImage": 1}, "navBar": {"color": "#ffffff", "image": "https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/ukg-sandbox/1716297698::UKG_w.png", "link": "https://www.ukg.com/about-us/careers", "background": "#fffff", "opacity": 1, "target": "_blank"}, "privacy": {"text": "By clicking \"I Accept\" and moving forward, I hereby consent to the processing of my Personal Information and all terms described within the <a href=https://www.ukg.com/privacy target=\"_blank\">UKG Privacy Policy.</a> I certify, to the best of my knowledge, that the information I am providing is complete and accurate.", "button": "I Accept", "title": "Data Privacy Agreement", "show_notifications_consent_text": true, "show_notifications_privacy_policy_checkbox": true, "logged_out_notifications_privacy_policy_checkbox_text": " I agree to receiving job recommendations by email."}, "uploadResumeModal": {"title": "Welcome to {company_name}'s Career Center", "subtitle": "Streamline your search by uploading your resume to be matched with positions that best suit your qualifications.", "disclaimer": "**Uploading a resume is not a formal application for employment**"}, "page_description": "Explore exciting career opportunities at UKG! Join a dynamic team committed to innovation, growth, and creating meaningful connections.", "perks": [{"image": "https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/ukg-sandbox/1721638227::health-insurance.svg", "title": "HEALTHCARE & PRESCRIPTION DRUG COVERAGE", "description": "We offer you and your family comprehensive healthcare coverage with no deductibles, low prescription costs, and 100% coverage for hospitalization and medical services. Dental is 100% covered."}, {"image": "https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/ukg-sandbox/1721638942::401K-RetirementSavingsPlan.svg", "title": "45% MATCHING ON RETIREMENT PLAN", "description": "To help you invest in your future, we provide a 45% company match on total employee contributions to a retirement plan."}, {"image": "https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/ukg-sandbox/1721639080::PaidPersonalTimeOff.svg", "title": "UNLIMITED TIME OFF", "description": "We recognize the value of time away from work. U Krew Time is provided for you to rest and recharge. We also offer two paid days off each year for you to give back to your community."}, {"image": "https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/ukg-sandbox/1721639280::UChoose.svg", "title": "U CHOOSE", "description": "Our U Choose benefits program reimburses you up to $1,400 annually for any of 150 different life expenses, including: childcare, health & wellness, home internet, and pet veterinary services."}, {"image": "https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/ukg-sandbox/1721641260::tuition-reimbursement-program.svg", "title": "TUITION REIMBURSEMENT PROGRAM", "description": "You can apply for reimbursement for undergraduate, graduate, or post-graduate degree programs that are relevant to your job or for future opportunities at UKG."}, {"image": "https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/ukg-sandbox/1721641108::EmployeeResourceGroups.svg", "title": "EMPLOYEE RESOURCE GROUPS (ERGS)", "description": "U Krewers will be the first to tell you that UKG is a company that welcomes people from all backgrounds. And our ERGs provide the opportunity for you to connect and share your story with other like-minded U Krewers."}, {"image": "https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/ukg-sandbox/1721641936::wellness-program.svg", "title": "WELLNESS PROGRAMS", "description": "Enjoy Wellness programs to help you and your loved ones stay healthy, including wellness education, fitness assessments, exercise classes, and a Wellness Ambassador program. "}, {"image": "https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/ukg-sandbox/1721641461::AdoptionAndSurrogacySupport.svg", "title": "ADOPTION & SURROGACY SUPPORT", "description": "We recognize and celebrate that families are formed in many different ways. Our Adoption and Surrogacy Assistance benefit programs help offset the cost of adoption and surrogacy expenses."}], "custom_style": {"css": ".nav-item a { color: #fff !important;} .refer .user-name { color: #fff !important; } .fixed-top { background-color: #000 !important; } .position-job-description .block__field--wide-rich-text { width: inherit !important; }.a-link{color:#008ad1!important}.headers{text-align:center}.btn {color:#005151;border-color: #30CEBB !important;}.pillContainer .pillTitle {color: #140ba3 !important; font-size:15px !important;} .career-custom-navbar-items-container { float:left !important; } .custom-navbar-item { margin-right: 15px; } .join-tn-link { margin-right: 15px; } .candidate-login-link { margin-right: 15px; } .navbar a:nth-child(2) { float: left; margin-right:25px; } .custom-navbar-item { margin-right:25px !important; } .btn-primary { background:#30cebb !important } .hero-image { height:388px !important; }", "font": "https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/ukg-sandbox/1720608276::custom.css"}, "customNavbarItems": [{"label": "Career Areas", "hasSubItems": true, "subItems": [{"label": "Early Career & Internships", "path": "https://www.ukg.com/about-us/careers/early-career-internships", "openInNewTab": true}]}, {"label": "Life at UKG", "hasSubItems": true, "subItems": [{"label": "Benefits", "path": "https://www.ukg.com/about-us/careers/benefits", "openInNewTab": true}, {"label": "Featured Locations", "path": "https://www.ukg.com/about-us/careers/featured-locations", "openInNewTab": true}, {"label": "Our Awards", "path": "https://www.ukg.com/about-us/awards-and-recognition", "openInNewTab": true}, {"label": "Belonging, Equity and Impact", "path": "https://www.ukg.com/about-us/esg/social/diversity-equity-inclusion-and-belonging", "openInNewTab": true}, {"label": "UKG Blog", "path": "https://www.ukg.com/blog/tags/employee-resource-groups", "openInNewTab": true}]}, {"label": "Interviewing at UKG", "hasSubItems": true, "subItems": [{"label": "Careers FAQs", "path": "https://www.ukg.com/about-us/careers/faqs", "openInNewTab": true}, {"label": "Career Advice", "path": "https://www.ukg.com/blog/tags/career-advice", "openInNewTab": true}]}], "page_image": "", "max_applications_refer": 0, "applyButton": {"background": "#30CEBB"}, "mapConfig": {"enabled": true}, "defaultState": {"pymww": false}, "links": {"videos": ["https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eje82dg1jLw", "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=09Nv22GZL9w", "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9BnYiKhxCpk", "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=61omJa_ogNw"], "blogs": ["https://www.ukg.com/blog/life-ukg/curious-about-companys-culture-ask-these-5-questions", "https://www.ukg.com/blog/life-ukg/how-best-prepare-behavioral-interview-4-easy-steps", "https://www.ukg.com/blog/life-ukg/cracking-code-career-advice-working-tech"]}, "customContent": {"positionSections": [{"body": "<div class='headers'>NOTICE ON HIRING SCAMS</div><br>UKG will never ask you for a copy of your driver\u2019s license, social security card, or passport during a job interview. For new hires, we do not ask for payment for equipment purchase, cost for training, or to receive onboarding documents. UKG does not make job offers outside of our formal hiring process. To help protect yourself against potential hiring scams, learn more about our formal hiring process, outlined <a href='https://www.ukg.com/about-us/careers/faqs' class='a-link' target='_blank'>here</a>.<br><br><div class='headers'>ABOUT OUR JOB DESCRIPTIONS</div><br>All job descriptions are written to accurately reflect the open job and include general work responsibilities. They do not present a comprehensive, detailed inventory of all duties, responsibilities, and qualifications required for the job. Management reserves the right to revise the job or require that other or different tasks be performed if or when circumstances change.<br><br>"}]}, "i18n_overrides_master": {"customContent": {"en": {"hiringScamHeading": "NOTICE ON HIRING SCAMS", "hiringScamBody": "UKG will never ask you for a copy of your driver\u2019s license, social security card, or passport during a job interview. For new hires, we do not ask for payment for equipment purchase, cost for training, or to receive onboarding documents. UKG does not make job offers outside of our formal hiring process. To help protect yourself against potential hiring scams, learn more about our formal hiring process, outlined <a href='https://www.ukg.com/about-us/careers/faqs' class='a-link' target='_blank'>here</a>.", "aboutJobDescriptionHeading": "ABOUT OUR JOB DESCRIPTIONS", "aboutJobDescriptionBody": "All job descriptions are written to accurately reflect the open job and include general work responsibilities. They do not present a comprehensive, detailed inventory of all duties, responsibilities, and qualifications required for the job. Management reserves the right to revise the job or require that other or different tasks be performed if or when circumstances change."}, "fr-ca": {"hiringScamHeading": "AVIS SUR LES ESCROQUERIES EN MATI\u00c8RE D\u2019EMBAUCHE", "hiringScamBody": "UKG ne vous demandera jamais une copie de votre permis de conduire, de votre carte d\u2019assurance sociale ou de votre passeport lors d\u2019un entretien d\u2019embauche. Pour les nouvelle embauches, nous ne demandons pas de paiement pour l\u2019achat d\u2019\u00e9quipement, le co\u00fbt de la formation ou la r\u00e9ception des documents d\u2019accueil. UKG ne fait pas d\u2019offres d\u2019emploi en dehors de son processus d\u2019embauche officiel. Pour vous aider \u00e0 vous prot\u00e9ger contre d\u2019\u00e9ventuelles escroqueries en mati\u00e8re d\u2019embauche, d\u00e9couvrez notre processus d\u2019embauche officiel, qui est d\u00e9crit <a href='https://www.ukg.com/about-us/careers/faqs' class='a-link' target='_blank'>ici</a>.", "aboutJobDescriptionHeading": "\u00c0 PROPOS DE NOS DESCRIPTIONS D\u2019EMPLOI", "aboutJobDescriptionBody": "Toutes les descriptions d\u2019emploi sont r\u00e9dig\u00e9es de mani\u00e8re \u00e0 refl\u00e9ter fid\u00e8lement le poste \u00e0 pourvoir et \u00e0 inclure les responsabilit\u00e9s professionnelles g\u00e9n\u00e9rales. Elles ne pr\u00e9sentent pas un inventaire complet et d\u00e9taill\u00e9 de toutes les t\u00e2ches, responsabilit\u00e9s et qualifications requises pour le poste. La direction se r\u00e9serve le droit de r\u00e9viser le poste ou d\u2019exiger l\u2019ex\u00e9cution d\u2019autres t\u00e2ches ou de t\u00e2ches diff\u00e9rentes si ou lorsque les circonstances changent."}}, "talentNetworkHeroBanner": {"en": {"jtnHeroBannerImage": "https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/ukg-sandbox/1723627682::JTN_CA-FR_Banner_IMG"}, "fr-ca": {"jtnHeroBannerImage": "https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/ukg-sandbox/1723627682::JTN_CA-FR_Banner_IMG"}}}, "talentNetworkHeroBanner": {"title": " ", "image": "https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/ukg-sandbox/1723627682::JTN_CA-FR_Banner_IMG"}, "recaptcha_enabled": 1, "companyName": "UKG", "showLoggedOutNotificationsPrivacyPolicy": true, "hideEightfoldBranding": false}, "positions": [{"id": 893379884678, "name": "SALES EXECUTIVE, NEW LOGO - CANADA", "location": "Canada", "locations": ["Canada", "Toronto,ON,Canada"], "hot": 0, "department": "Sales", "business_unit": "Sales", "t_update": 1735855695, "t_create": 1735572876, "ats_job_id": "2fff248f-1ba1-4f03-be76-ac15ccd60810", "display_job_id": "SALES010680", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "SALES010680-en", "job_description": null, "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://apply.ukg.com/careers/job/893379884678", "isPrivate": false, "latlongs": "56.130366,-106.346771"}, {"id": 893379419520, "name": "Account Executive- Canada Montreal", "location": "Canada", "locations": ["Canada", "Montreal, QC, Canada"], "hot": 0, "department": "Sales", "business_unit": "Sales", "t_update": 1735845244, "t_create": 1732680526, "ats_job_id": "3566598e-bae9-4901-85dd-4919999f3fe1", "display_job_id": "ACCOU010185", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "ACCOU010185-en", "job_description": "Proactively research and develop depth and breadth of expertise with Customer's particular industry to advise, consult and support Customers on best and next practices in utilization and expansion of services Develop and maintain \"greenspace\" heatmap and run strategic and appropriate sales campaigns to drive pipeline and ultimately bookings in assigned accounts Identify sales opportunities and develop sales and marketing proposals for customers on HCM, Payroll solutions and services aligned with the prospective customer's needs Develop and maintain working knowledge of products and capabilities, incorporating technical advances in presentations to end users Present HCM products and services to final decision makers and end users within an assigned territory. Identify sales opportunities and develop sales and marketing proposals for customers on HCM, Payroll solutions and services aligned with the prospective customer's needs. Maintain a strong knowledge of HCM/SaaS Industry, competitors and analysts. Maintain a working knowledge of products and capabilities, incorporating technical advances in presentations to end users 3-5 years of experience in Direct Sales selling HCM/HRMS/Payroll/WFM solutions Fluent in both English and French (written and spoken) Live within Greater Montreal area BA/BS or equivalent Must have proven success selling HRMS/Payroll/WFM solutions to complex organizations Must have consistently exceeded sales quotas. Develop and maintain a working knowledge of solutions, technology and capabilities to solve customer challenges and help them achieve stated business outcomes. Experience with a diversity of prospecting strategies Excellent negotiation, written and verbal communication skills. Strong problem-solving skills. Strong work ethic while operating with a high-level of integrity, honesty and commitment to self and everyone else. Up to 50% travel 3 a 5 ans d'experience dans la vente directe de solutions HCM/HRMS/Paie/WFM Bilingue anglais-fran\u00e7ais (oral et ecrit) Vous residez dans la region du Grand Montreal Diplome universitaire de premier cycle (licence ou baccalaureat en administration/baccalaureat es sciences) ou equivalent Experience reussie dans la vente de solutions de SIRH/Paie/WFM aupres d'organisations complexes Vous avez constamment depasse les quotas de vente. Vous developpez et entretenez une connaissance pratique des solutions, des technologies et des capacites qui permettront de relever les defis des clients et les aideront a atteindre les resultats commerciaux attendus. Experience avec un large eventail de strategies de prospection Excellentes aptitudes pour la negociation et la communication, tant a l'oral qu'a l'ecrit. Solides competences en matiere de resolution de problemes. Une attitude professionnelle rigoureuse, associee a un haut niveau d'integrite, d'honnetete et d'engagement envers soi-meme et envers les autres. Disponibilite pour des deplacements pouvant aller jusqu'a la moitie du temps de travail", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://apply.ukg.com/careers/job/893379419520", "isPrivate": false, "latlongs": "56.130366,-106.346771"}, {"id": 893379382356, "name": "Senior Backend Software Developer", "location": "Toronto,ON,Canada", "locations": ["Toronto,ON,Canada"], "hot": 0, "department": "Software & Product Development", "business_unit": "Software & Product Development", "t_update": 1735836383, "t_create": 1732075267, "ats_job_id": "9f90d653-9271-4558-85d1-4babf842d8ed", "display_job_id": "SRSOF010063", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "SRSOF010063-en", "job_description": "Software Development: Write clean, maintainable, and efficient code or various software applications and systems. Technical Leadership: Contribute to the design, development, and deployment of complex software applications and systems, ensuring they meet high standards of quality and performance. Project Management: Manage execution and delivery of features and projects, negotiating project priorities and deadlines, ensuring successful and timely completion, with quality. Architectural Design: Participate in design reviews with peers and stakeholders and in the architectural design of new features and systems, ensuring scalability, reliability, and maintainability. Code Review: Diligent about reviewing code developed by other developers, provide feedback and maintain a high bar of technical excellence to ensure code is adhering to industry standard best practices like coding guidelines, elegant, efficient and maintainable code, with observability built from ground up, unit tests etc. Testing: Build testable software, define tests, participate in the testing process, automate tests using, tools (e.g., Junit, Selenium) and Design Patterns leveraging the test automation pyramid as the guide. Service Health and Quality: Maintain the health and quality of services and incidents, proactively identifying and resolving issues. Utilize service health indicators and telemetry for action providing recommendations to optimize performance. Conduct thorough root cause analysis and drive the implementation of measures to prevent future recurrences. Dev Ops Model: Understanding of working in a DevOps Model. Taking ownership from working with product management on requirements to design, develop, test, deploy and maintain the software in production. Documentation: Properly document new features, enhancements or fixes to the product, contributing to training materials. Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Engineering, or a related technical field, or equivalent practical experience. 4+ years of professional software development experience. Deep expertise in one or more programming languages such as C#, .NET, Python, Java, or JavaScript. Java, Spring and SQL preferred. Extensive experience with software development practices and design patterns. Proficiency with version control systems like GitHub and bug/work tracking systems like JIRA. Experience with cloud platforms like Azure, AWS, or GCP. Familiarity with CI/CD pipelines and automation tools. Experience with test automation frameworks and tools. Knowledge of agile development methodologies. Familiarity with developing accessible technologies. Dedicated to diversity and inclusion initiatives. Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, with the ability to work effectively in a collaborative team environment.", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "hybrid", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://apply.ukg.com/careers/job/893379382356", "isPrivate": false, "latlongs": "43.653226,-79.3831843"}, {"id": 893379301803, "name": "Sr. Solution Consultant - WFM - Bilingual (French/English) / Consultant(e) Principal(e) en Solutions", "location": "Canada", "locations": ["Canada"], "hot": 0, "department": "Customer Delivery/Implementation Services", "business_unit": "Customer Delivery/Implementation Services", "t_update": 1735842902, "t_create": 1731906644, "ats_job_id": "165e85e8-8058-47ef-8107-1b42bc7357dd", "display_job_id": "SRSOL010023", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "SRSOL010023-en", "job_description": "Provide consultative product and subject matter expertise to client Coordinates and performs a life cycle of assigned projects in compliance with UKG's methodology such as Kickoff, Business Analysis, Functional Specification, System Configuration, Design, Testing, and Change Management. Work directly with the customer's project team to understand their business needs and translate those requirements into a scope of work and configured system Learn the capabilities of UKG Pro WFM software to properly and creatively utilize features to meet the client's needs Research, document, configure and test all functional elements involving rules and policies Provide accurate and timely information regarding project status, travel & expense, and project hours to the work report system Meet project task milestone and due dates Provide consultative product and subject matter expertise to client Proactively communicate with customers to keep them apprised of project status and ensure they are on track with assigned responsibilities Track, manage, and oversee resolution of open project issues/items in a timely manner Meet or exceed quarterly/annual metrics Fournir une expertise technique et des conseils sur le produit a la clientele Coordonne et execute le cycle de vie des projets assignes conformement a la methodologie d'UKG, notamment le lancement, l'analyse des besoins, la specification fonctionnelle, la configuration du systeme, la conception, les tests et la gestion du changement. Travaille directement avec l'equipe de projet de la clientele pour comprendre ses besoins commerciaux et traduire ces exigences en un perimetre de travail et un systeme configure. Apprends les fonctionnalites du logiciel UKG Pro WFM afin d'utiliser correctement et de maniere creative les caracteristiques pour repondre aux besoins de la clientele. Rechercher, documenter, configurer et tester tous les elements fonctionnels impliquant des regles et des politiques. Fournir en temps opportun des renseignements exacts a propos de la progression, des heures, des frais de deplacement et des depenses du projet dans le systeme de compte rendu de travail. Respecter les echeances et jalons des taches de projet. Fournir une expertise technique et des conseils sur le produit a la clientele Communiquer de maniere proactive avec les clients pour les garder informes de la progression du projet et s'assurer qu'ils s'occupent des responsabilites qui leur sont attribuees. Gerer et superviser la resolution de problemes lies aux projets dans les meilleurs delais et en faire le suivi. Atteindre ou depasser les indicateurs trimestriels/annuels. 3+ years' of experience with business application implementation and/or consulting experience Strong communication skills (verbal and written) and presentation skills Skilled in analyzing and documenting business requirements and corresponding solution specifications Ability to handle multiple tasks/projects under tight deadlines Strong decision making and problem-solving skills A self-directed team player: collaborative, seeks input, accepts and incorporates feedback from others, freely offers assistance Experience with UKG Products (UKG Pro Payroll, Workforce Ready, Workforce Central or Dimensions) Plus de trois ans d'experience en mise en oeuvre d'applications commerciales et/ou en consultation. Plus de deux ans d'experience dans la configuration d'un systeme de gestion du temps. Pouvoir voyager jusqu'a 25 % du temps. Bilinguisme fran\u00e7ais et anglais Excellentes competences en communication (verbale et ecrite) et en presentation. Competences averees en analyse et documentation des besoins commerciaux et des specifications de solutions correspondantes. Une experience dans l'integration entre systemes est souhaitable. Capacite a gerer plusieurs taches/projets sous des delais serres. Solides competences en prise de decision et en resolution de problemes. Un(e) joueur(euse) d'equipe autonome : collaboratif(ve), recherche des avis, accepte et integre les retours des autres, offre son aide librement. Experience avec les produits UKG (UKG Pro Payroll, Workforce Ready, Workforce Central ou Dimensions) UKG s'apprete a vivre quelque chose de vraiment special. \u00c0 l'echelle mondiale, nous nous classons deja au premier rang pour la gestion des ressources humaines et au deuxieme rang pour la gestion du capital humain. Des dizaines de millions de personnes travaillant en premiere ligne commencent et terminent leur journee avec notre logiciel, et des milliards de quarts de travail sont geres chaque annee par le biais des solutions UKG aujourd'hui. Pourtant, c'est notre portefeuille de produits alimentes par l'IA et con\u00e7us pour soutenir la clientele de toutes tailles, de tous secteurs et de toutes zones geographiques qui nous propulsera vers des lendemains encore plus radieux! Employeur souscrivant au principe de l'egalite d'acces a l'emploi Ultimate Kronos Group est fier d'etre un employeur souscrivant au principe de l'egalite d'acces a l'emploi et s'engage a maintenir un milieu de travail diversifie et inclusif. Tous les candidats qualifies seront pris en consideration pour un emploi sans egard a la race, a la couleur, a la religion, au sexe, a l'age, au handicap, a l'etat matrimonial, a la situation familiale, a l'orientation sexuelle, a la grossesse, a l'information genetique, a l'identite de genre, a l'expression de genre, a l'origine nationale, a l'ascendance, au statut de citoyen, au statut d'ancien combattant et a tout autre statut protege par les lois federales, provinciales ou locales contre la discrimination. Accommodement aux handicaps UKG s'engage a fournir un accommodement aux personnes handicapees durant le processus de candidature et d'entrevue. Si vous avez besoin d'un accommodement durant le processus de candidature et d'entrevue, veuillez communiquer avec nous a UKGCareers@ukg.com. Candidats du Quebec: Bien que le fran\u00e7ais soit exige pour les postes au Quebec, l'utilisation de l'anglais est egalement requise en raison de la nature mondiale de l'entreprise et de ses affaires, de meme que de la necessite d'interagir avec les employes ou les partenaires du siege americain d'UKG et de ses bureaux internationaux.", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "remote_local", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://apply.ukg.com/careers/job/893379301803", "isPrivate": false, "latlongs": "56.130366,-106.346771"}, {"id": 893379037034, "name": "Product Support Representative/Repr\u00e9sentant(e) au soutien des produits", "location": "Canada", "locations": ["Canada"], "hot": 0, "department": "Customer/Technical Support", "business_unit": "Customer/Technical Support", "t_update": 1735848168, "t_create": 1730101191, "ats_job_id": "adecd800-2158-48f5-8db5-d686971f10fb", "display_job_id": "PRODU009718", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "PRODU009718-en", "job_description": "Put the customer in the fore front of everything you do driving world class Customer Satisfaction. Provide exceptional support based on agreed Service Level Agreements (SLAs) and key KPI's. Develop in-depth product knowledge on UKG's products. Be the first point of contact for support. Triage and resolve cases expediently utilizing best practice troubleshooting skills. Collaborate and communicate with both internal peers and key stakeholders to progress customer issues, competently using all methods of spoken and written communication. Ensure the customer is always updated on progress of their issue with clear and progressive action plans and next steps. Utilize internal tools to replicate customer configurations, advance cases to next level Engineers/Engineering. Improve UKG's knowledge base by creating, updating, and sharing of articles. Take on additional responsibilities as and when required. Participation in on-call rotations is required to provide occasional after-hours support Developper une connaissance approfondie des produits d'UKG. Analyser, prioriser et resoudre les cas rapidement en appliquant les meilleures pratiques en matiere de depannage. 2+ years' experience in a fast-paced customer service and/or technical support environment Demonstrated technical troubleshooting and/or problem-solving skills Demonstrated dedication to customer service and experience managing customer relationships Experience working with/in UKG Product suite HR and/or Payroll experience Strong computer skills with a proficiency in successfully learning new technologies quickly Exceptional organizational, time-management and planning skills with a strong attention to detail Excellent written, oral communication, listening and telephone skills French language preferred (both written and verbal) Experience de travail avec la suite de produits UKG Experience en ressources humaines et/ou en gestion de la paie.", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "remote_local", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://apply.ukg.com/careers/job/893379037034", "isPrivate": false, "latlongs": "56.130366,-106.346771"}, {"id": 893378982178, "name": "Sr. Solution Consultant - WFM - Bilingual (French/English) / Consultant(e) Principal(e) en Solutions", "location": "Canada", "locations": ["Canada"], "hot": 0, "department": "Customer Delivery/Implementation Services", "business_unit": "Customer Delivery/Implementation Services", "t_update": 1735843023, "t_create": 1729708387, "ats_job_id": "7c0668a3-0125-4020-94e0-cb7e2924a3fc", "display_job_id": "SRSOL009661", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "SRSOL009661-en", "job_description": "Provide consultative product and subject matter expertise to client Coordinates and performs a life cycle of assigned projects in compliance with UKG's methodology such as Kickoff, Business Analysis, Functional Specification, System Configuration, Design, Testing, and Change Management. Work directly with the customer's project team to understand their business needs and translate those requirements into a scope of work and configured system Learn the capabilities of UKG Pro WFM software to properly and creatively utilize features to meet the client's needs Research, document, configure and test all functional elements involving rules and policies Provide accurate and timely information regarding project status, travel & expense, and project hours to the work report system Meet project task milestone and due dates Provide consultative product and subject matter expertise to client Proactively communicate with customers to keep them apprised of project status and ensure they are on track with assigned responsibilities Track, manage, and oversee resolution of open project issues/items in a timely manner Meet or exceed quarterly/annual metrics Fournir une expertise technique et des conseils sur le produit a la clientele Coordonne et execute le cycle de vie des projets assignes conformement a la methodologie d'UKG, notamment le lancement, l'analyse des besoins, la specification fonctionnelle, la configuration du systeme, la conception, les tests et la gestion du changement. Travaille directement avec l'equipe de projet de la clientele pour comprendre ses besoins commerciaux et traduire ces exigences en un perimetre de travail et un systeme configure. Apprends les fonctionnalites du logiciel UKG Pro WFM afin d'utiliser correctement et de maniere creative les caracteristiques pour repondre aux besoins de la clientele. Rechercher, documenter, configurer et tester tous les elements fonctionnels impliquant des regles et des politiques. Fournir en temps opportun des renseignements exacts a propos de la progression, des heures, des frais de deplacement et des depenses du projet dans le systeme de compte rendu de travail. Respecter les echeances et jalons des taches de projet. Fournir une expertise technique et des conseils sur le produit a la clientele Communiquer de maniere proactive avec les clients pour les garder informes de la progression du projet et s'assurer qu'ils s'occupent des responsabilites qui leur sont attribuees. Gerer et superviser la resolution de problemes lies aux projets dans les meilleurs delais et en faire le suivi. Atteindre ou depasser les indicateurs trimestriels/annuels. 3+ years' of experience with business application implementation and/or consulting experience Strong communication skills (verbal and written) and presentation skills Skilled in analyzing and documenting business requirements and corresponding solution specifications Ability to handle multiple tasks/projects under tight deadlines Strong decision making and problem-solving skills A self-directed team player: collaborative, seeks input, accepts and incorporates feedback from others, freely offers assistance Experience with UKG Products (UKG Pro Payroll, Workforce Ready, Workforce Central or Dimensions) Plus de trois ans d'experience en mise en oeuvre d'applications commerciales et/ou en consultation. Plus de deux ans d'experience dans la configuration d'un systeme de gestion du temps. Pouvoir voyager jusqu'a 25 % du temps. Bilinguisme fran\u00e7ais et anglais Excellentes competences en communication (verbale et ecrite) et en presentation. Competences averees en analyse et documentation des besoins commerciaux et des specifications de solutions correspondantes. Une experience dans l'integration entre systemes est souhaitable. Capacite a gerer plusieurs taches/projets sous des delais serres. Solides competences en prise de decision et en resolution de problemes. Un(e) joueur(euse) d'equipe autonome : collaboratif(ve), recherche des avis, accepte et integre les retours des autres, offre son aide librement. Experience avec les produits UKG (UKG Pro Payroll, Workforce Ready, Workforce Central ou Dimensions) UKG s'apprete a vivre quelque chose de vraiment special. \u00c0 l'echelle mondiale, nous nous classons deja au premier rang pour la gestion des ressources humaines et au deuxieme rang pour la gestion du capital humain. Des dizaines de millions de personnes travaillant en premiere ligne commencent et terminent leur journee avec notre logiciel, et des milliards de quarts de travail sont geres chaque annee par le biais des solutions UKG aujourd'hui. Pourtant, c'est notre portefeuille de produits alimentes par l'IA et con\u00e7us pour soutenir la clientele de toutes tailles, de tous secteurs et de toutes zones geographiques qui nous propulsera vers des lendemains encore plus radieux! Employeur souscrivant au principe de l'egalite d'acces a l'emploi Ultimate Kronos Group est fier d'etre un employeur souscrivant au principe de l'egalite d'acces a l'emploi et s'engage a maintenir un milieu de travail diversifie et inclusif. Tous les candidats qualifies seront pris en consideration pour un emploi sans egard a la race, a la couleur, a la religion, au sexe, a l'age, au handicap, a l'etat matrimonial, a la situation familiale, a l'orientation sexuelle, a la grossesse, a l'information genetique, a l'identite de genre, a l'expression de genre, a l'origine nationale, a l'ascendance, au statut de citoyen, au statut d'ancien combattant et a tout autre statut protege par les lois federales, provinciales ou locales contre la discrimination. Accommodement aux handicaps UKG s'engage a fournir un accommodement aux personnes handicapees durant le processus de candidature et d'entrevue. Si vous avez besoin d'un accommodement durant le processus de candidature et d'entrevue, veuillez communiquer avec nous a UKGCareers@ukg.com. Candidats du Quebec: Bien que le fran\u00e7ais soit exige pour les postes au Quebec, l'utilisation de l'anglais est egalement requise en raison de la nature mondiale de l'entreprise et de ses affaires, de meme que de la necessite d'interagir avec les employes ou les partenaires du siege americain d'UKG et de ses bureaux internationaux.", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "remote_local", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://apply.ukg.com/careers/job/893378982178", "isPrivate": false, "latlongs": "56.130366,-106.346771"}, {"id": 893378946454, "name": "Manager Customer Success- Bilingual French & English- Canada", "location": "Canada", "locations": ["Canada"], "hot": 0, "department": "Relationship Mgmt.", "business_unit": "Relationship Mgmt.", "t_update": 1735844935, "t_create": 1729602064, "ats_job_id": "4c93b700-a8c3-43ef-ac54-68386ef38720", "display_job_id": "MGRCU009614", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "MGRCU009614-en", "job_description": "Relationship Management Oversee and ensure the success of a portfolio of customer accounts, focusing on driving product adoption and maintaining high customer retention. Develop and maintain effective relationships with key contacts within customer organizations, including decision-makers and daily users. Participate in periodic business reviews with key customers in your team's portfolio. Understand customers' business objectives and advocate for their goals within the Gestion des relations Superviser et assurer le succes d'un portefeuille de comptes clients, en s'attachant a encourager Developper et cultiver des relations fructueuses avec les contacts cles du cote Strong preference for bilingual English & French Speaking leader Minimum of 2 years of experience leading and managing teams or demonstrated leadership capabilities in a customer-facing role with the potential for growth into a leadership position. This role provides opportunities for career advancement and leadership development within the organization. At least 7 years of experience in a customer-facing role, such as account management or customer success, with specific experience in the SaaS HCM industry. Effectively communicate project updates, strategic plans, and performance metrics to senior management while fostering collaboration. Ability to support multiple time zones across Canada. Resume du poste En tant que responsable Customer Success, vous dirigerez une equipe de Customer Success Managers (CSM) determines a aider nos clients a atteindre les resultats souhaites et a profiter de tout le potentiel de nos solutions. Vous aurez pour mission de guider votre equipe dans la creation de relations solides avec les principales parties prenantes des clients, en particulier les decideurs et les utilisateurs quotidiens. Agir en tant que porte-parole des clients au sein de l'entreprise, en faisant part de leurs commentaires aux equipes Au moins 2 ans d'experience en direction et gestion d'equipe, ou des competences de leadership Ce role offre des perspectives d'avancement et de developpement Au moins 7 ans d'experience dans un role en contact avec la clientele, tel que la gestion de compte ou", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://apply.ukg.com/careers/job/893378946454", "isPrivate": false, "latlongs": "56.130366,-106.346771"}, {"id": 893378860477, "name": "ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE - CANADA", "location": "Canada", "locations": ["Canada", "Montreal,QC,Canada", "Toronto,ON,Canada"], "hot": 0, "department": "Sales", "business_unit": "Sales", "t_update": 1735748417, "t_create": 1729096656, "ats_job_id": "d5255984-700f-4bfb-9eaf-4e34d4de7d0b", "display_job_id": "ACCOU009479", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "ACCOU009479-en", "job_description": "Seasoned Application Consultant team to assist with proposals, RFPs, and demos Expert Technical Sales Support Highly reference-able customer base with 96% customer retention with our hosted SaaS solution Solid Sales Operations and Legal staff focused on helping process and close contracts quickly Award-winning HRMS/Payroll, Talent Management, and Time and Attendance solutions, consistently outperforming our competitors' products Software-as-a-Service solution for the growing number of companies relying upon SaaS benefits Award-winning Implementation and Customer Support teams dedicated to bringing customers live in industry-record time-frames Consistently exceed sales quotas Maintain a working knowledge of products and capabilities, incorporating technical advances in presentations to end users Present HCM/WFM products and services to final decision makers and end users within an assigned territory Identify sales opportunities and develop sales and marketing proposals for customers on HCM/WFM products and services based on their technical needs Strong knowledge of HCM/WFM/SaaS Industry Must have 3-5 years of proven success selling WFM/HRMS/Payroll solutions 30-40%", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "hybrid", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://apply.ukg.com/careers/job/893378860477", "isPrivate": false, "latlongs": "56.130366,-106.346771"}, {"id": 893378658167, "name": "Associate Software Developer/D\u00e9veloppeur de logiciels associ\u00e9", "location": "Montreal,QC,Canada", "locations": ["Montreal,QC,Canada"], "hot": 0, "department": "Software & Product Development", "business_unit": "Software & Product Development", "t_update": 1735857041, "t_create": 1728390325, "ats_job_id": "5de62601-554d-4879-8650-8f93e3d5ee7f", "display_job_id": "ASSOC009296", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "ASSOC009296-en", "job_description": "Develop and Implement: Write clean, efficient, and maintainable code for various software applications and systems. Collaborate: Work closely with product managers, designers, and other engineers to understand requirements and deliver high-quality software solutions. Debug and Test: Participate in debugging, testing, and optimization of software applications to ensure reliability and performance. Learn and Grow: Engage in continuous learning and improvement by attending workshops, participating in code reviews, and staying up-to-date with the latest industry trends and technologies. Document: Assist in creating and maintaining technical documentation for software applications and systems. Developpeur de logiciels junior (Associate Software Developer) Developpement et implementation : Produire du code structure, optimiser et facile a modifier pour plusieurs applications logicielles et systemes. Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Engineering, or a related field. Proficiency in at least one programming language such as Java, Python, C++, or JavaScript. Strong understanding of computer science fundamentals, including algorithms, data structures, and software design principles. Excellent problem-solving skills and a proactive attitude. Good communication and teamwork skills, with a willingness to collaborate and learn from others. Conceptual understanding of Front-End/Back-End components as well as microservices Growth mindset: Ability to adapt and learn with changing situations. Internship experience in software development or related fields. Familiarity with software development tools and methodologies, such as version control systems (Git), integrated development environments (IDEs), and agile practices. Basic understanding of web technologies, databases, and cloud services. High ownership and accountability mindset Experience de stage dans le domaine du developpement de logiciels ou dans des domaines connexes. Connaissance des outils et methodologies de developpement de logiciels, tels que les systemes de controle de version (Git), les environnements de developpement integres (IDE) et les pratiques agiles. Comprehension de base des technologies Web, des bases de donnees et des services infonuagiques. Fort esprit d'engagement et de responsabilite.", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://apply.ukg.com/careers/job/893378658167", "isPrivate": false, "latlongs": "45.5018869,-73.56739189999999"}, {"id": 893378458176, "name": "Senior Software Developer - D\u00e9velopeur(euse) logiciel principal", "location": "Montreal,QC,Canada", "locations": ["Montreal,QC,Canada"], "hot": 0, "department": "Software & Product Development", "business_unit": "Software & Product Development", "t_update": 1735857093, "t_create": 1727271941, "ats_job_id": "b3595823-4c29-4724-b142-88adefac23c2", "display_job_id": "SENIO008529", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "SENIO008529-en", "job_description": "Learn more at www.ukg.com/careers #WeAreUKG We are looking for innovative and dynamic Senior Software Developers to join our dynamic team. This role provides an opportunity to lead projects and contribute to high-impact software solutions that are used by enterprises and users worldwide. As a Senior Software Developer, you will be responsible for the design, development, testing, deployment, operation, and maintenance of complex software systems, as well as mentoring junior colleagues. You will work in a collaborative environment, contributing to the technical foundation behind our flagship products and services. We are seeking Developers with diverse specialties and skills to join our dynamic team to innovate and solve complex problems. Our team is looking for exceptional Developers with expertise in the following areas: Front End UI: (UI/UX design principles, responsive design, JavaScript frameworks) Platform: (CI/CD Pipelines, IAC proficiency, Containerization/Orchestration, Cloud Platforms) Back End: (API Development, Database Management, Security Practices, Message Queuing) AI/ML: (Machine Learning Frameworks, Data Processing, Algorithm Development, Big Data Technologies, Domain Knowledge) Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Engineering, or a related technical field, or equivalent practical experience. Deep expertise in one or more programming languages such as C#, .NET, Python, Java, or JavaScript. Extensive experience with software development practices and design patterns. Proficiency with version control systems like GitHub and bug/work tracking systems like JIRA. Understanding of cloud technologies and DevOps principles. Experience with cloud platforms like Azure, AWS, or GCP Familiarity with CI/CD pipelines and automation tools Familiarity with developing accessible solutions Demonstrates strong customer empathy by understanding and addressing user needs and challenges Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, with the ability to work effectively in a collaborative team environment Ultimate Kronos Group is proud to be an equal opportunity employer and is committed to maintaining a diverse and inclusive work environment. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, age, disability, marital status, familial status, sexual orientation, pregnancy, genetic information, gender identity, gender expression, national origin, ancestry, citizenship status, veteran status, and any other legally protected status under federal, state, or local anti-discrimination laws. Disability Accommodation: For individuals with disabilities that need additional assistance at any point in the application and interview process, please email UKGCareers@ukg.com. Quebec candidates: While French is required for Quebec roles, use of the English language is also required due to the global nature of the business and the need to interact with UKG US headquarters and international sites. Developpeur(se) principal(e) de logiciels Chez UKG, notre raison d'etre, ce sont les gensMC. Nos solutions en matiere de RH, de paie et de gestion du personnel aident les organisations a realiser des resultats positifs pour tous et toutes. Et nos employes, qui con\u00e7oivent ces solutions et soutiennent notre entreprise, sont des personnes talentueuses, collaboratrices et novatrices qui sont capables de resoudre les problemes. Nous nous effor\u00e7ons de creer une culture d'appartenance et une experience professionnelle qui outille notre personnel, tant au travail qu'a la maison. Nos avantages sociaux demontrent que tous les aspects de votre personne sont importants pour nous et comprennent notamment des programmes d'aide a l'adoption et a la maternite de substitution et des programmes de remboursement des frais de scolarite et de bien-etre. Nos groupes de ressources pour les employes offrent un lieu chaleureux pour travailler, apprendre et interagir avec des personnes qui partagent vos passions et interets. Qu'attendez-vous? Baccalaureat en informatique, en ingenierie ou dans un domaine technique connexe, ou experience pratique equivalente. Au moins quatre ans d'experience professionnelle dans le developpement de logiciels. Maitrise d'un ou plusieurs langages de programmation tels que C#, .NET, Python, Java ou JavaScript. Experience approfondie des pratiques de developpement de logiciels et des modeles de conception. Competence avec les systemes de controle de version tels que Git GitHub et les systemes de suivi des bogues/travaux tels que JIRA. Comprehension des technologies du nuage et des principes DevOps. Experience des plateformes infonuagiques comme Azure, AWS ou GCP. Familiarite avec les pipelines CI/CD et les outils d'automatisation. Experience des cadres et outils d'automatisation des tests. Connaissance des methodologies de developpement agile. Familiarite avec le developpement de solutions accessibles. Faire preuve d'une grande empathie a l'egard des clients en comprenant et en repondant aux besoins et aux defis des utilisateurs. Excellentes aptitudes a la communication et aux relations interpersonnelles, avec la capacite de travailler efficacement dans un environnement d'equipe collaboratif. Employeur souscrivant au principe de l'egalite d'acces a l'emploi Ultimate Kronos Group est fier d'etre un employeur souscrivant au principe de l'egalite d'acces a l'emploi et s'engage a maintenir un milieu de travail diversifie et inclusif. Tous les candidats qualifies seront pris en consideration pour un emploi sans egard a la race, a la couleur, a la religion, au sexe, a l'age, au handicap, a l'etat matrimonial, a la situation familiale, a l'orientation sexuelle, a la grossesse, a l'information genetique, a l'identite de genre, a l'expression de genre, a l'origine nationale, a l'ascendance, au statut de citoyen, au statut d'ancien combattant et a tout autre statut protege par les lois federales, provinciales ou locales contre la discrimination. Accommodement aux handicaps UKG s'engage a fournir un accommodement aux personnes handicapees durant le processus de candidature et d'entrevue. Si vous avez besoin d'un accommodement durant le processus de candidature et d'entrevue, veuillez communiquer avec nous a UKGCareers@ukg.com. Candidats du Quebec : Bien que le fran\u00e7ais soit exige pour les postes au Quebec, l'utilisation de l'anglais est egalement requise en raison de la nature mondiale de l'entreprise et de ses affaires, de meme que de la necessite d'interagir avec les employes ou les partenaires du siege americain d'UKG et de ses bureaux internationaux. Software Development: Write clean, maintainable, and efficient code for various software applications and systems. Technical Collaborator: Contribute to the design, development, and deployment of complex software applications and systems, ensuring they meet high standards of quality and performance. Project Management: Manage execution and delivery of features and projects, negotiating project priorities and deadlines, ensuring successful and timely completion, with quality. Architectural Design: Participate in design reviews with peers and stakeholders and in the architectural design of new features and systems, ensuring scalability, reliability, and maintainability. Code Review: Diligent about reviewing code developed by other Developers, provide feedback and maintain a high bar of technical excellence to ensure code is adhering to industry standard best practices like coding guidelines, elegant, efficient and maintainable code, with observability built from ground up, unit tests etc. Testing: Build testable software, define tests, participate in the testing process, automate tests using tools (e.g., Junit, Selenium) and Design Patterns leveraging the test automation pyramid as the guide. Service Health and Quality: Maintain the health and quality of services and incidents, proactively identifying and resolving issues. Utilize service health indicators and telemetry for action providing recommendations to optimize performance. Conduct thorough root cause analysis and drive the implementation of measures to prevent future recurrences. Platform Model: Understanding of working in a DevOps Model. Taking ownership from working with product management on requirements to design, develop, test, continuously deploy continuously deploy and operate the software in production. Documentation: Properly document new features, enhancements or fixes to the product, and contributing to training materials. LI-Hybrid Developpement de logiciels : Rediger un code propre, facile a maintenir et efficace pour diverses applications et systemes logiciels. Collaboration technique : Contribuer a la conception, au developpement et au deploiement d'applications et de systemes logiciels complexes, en veillant a ce qu'ils repondent a des normes elevees de qualite et de performance. Gestion de projets : Gerer l'execution et la fourniture de fonctionnalites et de projets, en negociant les priorites et les echeances des projets, en veillant a ce qu'ils soient menes a bien dans les delais impartis, tout en garantissant la qualite. Conception architecturale : Participer aux revues de conception avec les pairs et les parties prenantes et a la conception architecturale de nouvelles fonctionnalites et de nouveaux systemes, en veillant a l'evolutivite, a la fiabilite et a la maintenabilite. Revision du code : Vous examinez avec diligence le code developpe par d'autres developpeurs(euses), fournissez une retroaction et maintenez un haut niveau d'excellence technique afin de vous assurer que le code adhere aux pratiques exemplaires standard de l'industrie telles que les directives de codage, un code elegant, efficace et facile a maintenir, avec une observabilite construite a partir de la base, des tests unitaires, etc. Essais : Construire des logiciels testables, definir des tests, participer au processus de test, automatiser les tests a l'aide d'outils (par exemple, Junit, Selenium) et de modeles de conception en s'appuyant sur la pyramide d'automatisation des tests. Sante et qualite des services : Maintenir la sante et la qualite des services et des incidents, en identifiant et en resolvant les problemes de maniere proactive. Utiliser les indicateurs de sante des services et la telemetrie pour prendre des mesures et formuler des recommandations afin d'optimiser les performances. Mener une analyse approfondie des causes profondes et piloter la mise en oeuvre de mesures visant a prevenir les recidives . Modele de plateforme : Comprehension du travail dans un modele DevOps. Assumer la responsabilite en travaillant avec la gestion des produits sur les exigences, la conception, le developpement, le test, le deploiement continu et l'execution du logiciel en production. Documentation : Documenter correctement les nouvelles fonctionnalites, les ameliorations ou les corrections apportees au produit, et contribuer aux supports de formation.", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "hybrid", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://apply.ukg.com/careers/job/893378458176", "isPrivate": false, "latlongs": "45.5018869,-73.56739189999999"}], "debug": {}, "count": 12, "countFilterByMatchScore": null, "location_user": ["canada", "remote,Canada"], "location_used": "canada", "locationInsights": null, "showWizard": false, "disableLocationSearchDropdown": false, "pcsAutocompleteLocationEnabled": 0, "recommended_star_threshold": 3.1, "mocTitle": null, "fuzzyResultsReturned": false, "query": {"query": "*", "location": "canada", "department": [], "skill": [], "seniority": [], "pid": "", "Skills": [], "Function": [], "Seniority": [], "Workplace_Type": []}, "userTitles": [], "isThinProfile": false, "veteranProgramDetails": 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