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We will be in touch shortly with the candidate to ask them to make a full application. Our recruiting team will get in touch with you when we have an update.\n\nIn the meantime, you can check the status of your referral at any time by visiting this <b>link</b> <a href=\"https://app.eightfold.ai/careerhub/myreferrals\">https://app.eightfold.ai/careerhub/myreferrals</a>", "favicons": {"favicon": "https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/ukg-sandbox/1715588905::ukg-favicon"}, "enableTalentNetwork": 1, "homePageHeroBanner": {"opacity": 0, "image": "https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/ukg-sandbox/1719385727::ukg_hero_image_Americas", "hideInMobileView": false, "useImage": 1}, "navBar": {"color": "#ffffff", "image": "https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/ukg-sandbox/1716297698::UKG_w.png", "link": "https://www.ukg.com/about-us/careers", "background": "#fffff", "opacity": 1, "target": "_blank"}, "privacy": {"text": "By clicking \"I Accept\" and moving forward, I hereby consent to the processing of my Personal Information and all terms described within the <a href=https://www.ukg.com/privacy target=\"_blank\">UKG Privacy Policy.</a> I certify, to the best of my knowledge, that the information I am providing is complete and accurate.", "button": "I Accept", "title": "Data Privacy Agreement", "show_notifications_consent_text": true, "show_notifications_privacy_policy_checkbox": true, "logged_out_notifications_privacy_policy_checkbox_text": " I agree to receiving job recommendations by email."}, "uploadResumeModal": {"title": "Welcome to {company_name}'s Career Center", "subtitle": "Streamline your search by uploading your resume to be matched with positions that best suit your qualifications.", "disclaimer": "**Uploading a resume is not a formal application for employment**"}, "page_description": "Explore exciting career opportunities at UKG! Join a dynamic team committed to innovation, growth, and creating meaningful connections.", "perks": [{"image": "https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/ukg-sandbox/1721638227::health-insurance.svg", "title": "100% PAID HEALTH INSURANCE PREMIUMS", "description": "We offer you and your family comprehensive medical, dental, and vision coverage with 100% of your insurance premiums paid, including coverage for infertility treatments, surrogacy, and gender affirmation surgery. "}, {"image": "https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/ukg-sandbox/1721638942::401K-RetirementSavingsPlan.svg", "title": "45% MATCHING ON 401K", "description": "To help you invest in your future, we provide a 45% company match on total employee contributions to a 401K plan."}, {"image": "https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/ukg-sandbox/1721639080::PaidPersonalTimeOff.svg", "title": "UNLIMITED TIME OFF", "description": "We recognize the value of time away from work. U Krew Time is provided for you to rest and recharge. We also offer two paid days off each year for you to give back to your community."}, {"image": "https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/ukg-sandbox/1721639280::UChoose.svg", "title": "U CHOOSE", "description": "Our U Choose benefits program reimburses you up to $1,400 annually for any of 150 different life expenses, including: childcare, health & wellness, home internet, and pet veterinary services."}, {"image": "https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/ukg-sandbox/1721640306::paid-maternity-leave.svg", "title": "PAID MATERNITY, PATERNITY, AND PARENTAL LEAVE", "description": "New parents can take paid time off \u2013 with 100% of your salary paid \u2013 to bond with your new baby or adoptive child."}, {"image": "https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/ukg-sandbox/1721641108::EmployeeResourceGroups.svg", "title": "EMPLOYEE RESOURCE GROUPS (ERGS)", "description": "U Krewers will be the first to tell you that UKG is a company that welcomes people from all backgrounds. And our ERGs provide the opportunity for you to connect and share your story with other like-minded U Krewers."}, {"image": "https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/ukg-sandbox/1721641260::tuition-reimbursement-program.svg", "title": "TUITION REIMBURSEMENT PROGRAM", "description": "You can apply for reimbursement for undergraduate, graduate, or post-graduate degree programs that are relevant to your job or for future opportunities at UKG."}, {"image": "https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/ukg-sandbox/1721641461::AdoptionAndSurrogacySupport.svg", "title": "ADOPTION & SURROGACY SUPPORT", "description": "We recognize and celebrate that families are formed in many different ways. Our Adoption and Surrogacy Assistance benefit programs help offset the cost of adoption and surrogacy expenses."}], "custom_style": {"css": ".nav-item a { color: #fff !important;} .refer .user-name { color: #fff !important; } .fixed-top { background-color: #000 !important; } .position-job-description .block__field--wide-rich-text { width: inherit !important; }.a-link{color:#008ad1!important}.headers{text-align:center}.btn {color:#005151;border-color: #30CEBB !important;}.pillContainer .pillTitle {color: #140ba3 !important; font-size:15px !important;} .career-custom-navbar-items-container { float:left !important; } .custom-navbar-item { margin-right: 15px; } .join-tn-link { margin-right: 15px; } .candidate-login-link { margin-right: 15px; } .navbar a:nth-child(2) { float: left; margin-right:25px; } .custom-navbar-item { margin-right:25px !important; } .btn-primary { background:#30cebb !important } .hero-image { height:388px !important; }", "font": "https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/ukg-sandbox/1720608276::custom.css"}, "customNavbarItems": [{"label": "Career Areas", "hasSubItems": true, "subItems": [{"label": "Early Career & Internships", "path": "https://www.ukg.com/about-us/careers/early-career-internships", "openInNewTab": true}]}, {"label": "Life at UKG", "hasSubItems": true, "subItems": [{"label": "Benefits", "path": "https://www.ukg.com/about-us/careers/benefits", "openInNewTab": true}, {"label": "Featured Locations", "path": "https://www.ukg.com/about-us/careers/featured-locations", "openInNewTab": true}, {"label": "Our Awards", "path": "https://www.ukg.com/about-us/awards-and-recognition", "openInNewTab": true}, {"label": "Belonging, Equity and Impact", "path": "https://www.ukg.com/about-us/esg/social/diversity-equity-inclusion-and-belonging", "openInNewTab": true}, {"label": "UKG Blog", "path": "https://www.ukg.com/blog/tags/employee-resource-groups", "openInNewTab": true}]}, {"label": "Interviewing at UKG", "hasSubItems": true, "subItems": [{"label": "Careers FAQs", "path": "https://www.ukg.com/about-us/careers/faqs", "openInNewTab": true}, {"label": "Career Advice", "path": "https://www.ukg.com/blog/tags/career-advice", "openInNewTab": true}]}], "page_image": "", "max_applications_refer": 0, "applyButton": {"background": "#30CEBB"}, "mapConfig": {"enabled": true}, "defaultState": {"pymww": false}, "links": {"videos": ["https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eje82dg1jLw", "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=09Nv22GZL9w", "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9BnYiKhxCpk", "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=61omJa_ogNw"], "blogs": ["https://www.ukg.com/blog/life-ukg/curious-about-companys-culture-ask-these-5-questions", "https://www.ukg.com/blog/life-ukg/how-best-prepare-behavioral-interview-4-easy-steps", "https://www.ukg.com/blog/life-ukg/cracking-code-career-advice-working-tech"]}, "customContent": {"positionSections": [{"body": "<div class='headers'>NOTICE ON HIRING SCAMS</div><br>UKG will never ask you for a copy of your driver\u2019s license, social security card, or passport during a job interview. For new hires, we do not ask for payment for equipment purchase, cost for training, or to receive onboarding documents. UKG does not make job offers outside of our formal hiring process. To help protect yourself against potential hiring scams, learn more about our formal hiring process, outlined <a href='https://www.ukg.com/about-us/careers/faqs' class='a-link' target='_blank'>here</a>.<br><br><div class='headers'>ABOUT OUR JOB DESCRIPTIONS</div><br>All job descriptions are written to accurately reflect the open job and include general work responsibilities. They do not present a comprehensive, detailed inventory of all duties, responsibilities, and qualifications required for the job. Management reserves the right to revise the job or require that other or different tasks be performed if or when circumstances change.<br><br>"}]}, "i18n_overrides_master": {"customContent": {"en": {"hiringScamHeading": "NOTICE ON HIRING SCAMS", "hiringScamBody": "UKG will never ask you for a copy of your driver\u2019s license, social security card, or passport during a job interview. For new hires, we do not ask for payment for equipment purchase, cost for training, or to receive onboarding documents. UKG does not make job offers outside of our formal hiring process. To help protect yourself against potential hiring scams, learn more about our formal hiring process, outlined <a href='https://www.ukg.com/about-us/careers/faqs' class='a-link' target='_blank'>here</a>.", "aboutJobDescriptionHeading": "ABOUT OUR JOB DESCRIPTIONS", "aboutJobDescriptionBody": "All job descriptions are written to accurately reflect the open job and include general work responsibilities. They do not present a comprehensive, detailed inventory of all duties, responsibilities, and qualifications required for the job. Management reserves the right to revise the job or require that other or different tasks be performed if or when circumstances change."}, "fr-ca": {"hiringScamHeading": "AVIS SUR LES ESCROQUERIES EN MATI\u00c8RE D\u2019EMBAUCHE", "hiringScamBody": "UKG ne vous demandera jamais une copie de votre permis de conduire, de votre carte d\u2019assurance sociale ou de votre passeport lors d\u2019un entretien d\u2019embauche. Pour les nouvelle embauches, nous ne demandons pas de paiement pour l\u2019achat d\u2019\u00e9quipement, le co\u00fbt de la formation ou la r\u00e9ception des documents d\u2019accueil. UKG ne fait pas d\u2019offres d\u2019emploi en dehors de son processus d\u2019embauche officiel. Pour vous aider \u00e0 vous prot\u00e9ger contre d\u2019\u00e9ventuelles escroqueries en mati\u00e8re d\u2019embauche, d\u00e9couvrez notre processus d\u2019embauche officiel, qui est d\u00e9crit <a href='https://www.ukg.com/about-us/careers/faqs' class='a-link' target='_blank'>ici</a>.", "aboutJobDescriptionHeading": "\u00c0 PROPOS DE NOS DESCRIPTIONS D\u2019EMPLOI", "aboutJobDescriptionBody": "Toutes les descriptions d\u2019emploi sont r\u00e9dig\u00e9es de mani\u00e8re \u00e0 refl\u00e9ter fid\u00e8lement le poste \u00e0 pourvoir et \u00e0 inclure les responsabilit\u00e9s professionnelles g\u00e9n\u00e9rales. Elles ne pr\u00e9sentent pas un inventaire complet et d\u00e9taill\u00e9 de toutes les t\u00e2ches, responsabilit\u00e9s et qualifications requises pour le poste. La direction se r\u00e9serve le droit de r\u00e9viser le poste ou d\u2019exiger l\u2019ex\u00e9cution d\u2019autres t\u00e2ches ou de t\u00e2ches diff\u00e9rentes si ou lorsque les circonstances changent."}}, "talentNetworkHeroBanner": {"en": {"jtnHeroBannerImage": "https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/ukg-sandbox/1723627682::JTN_CA-FR_Banner_IMG"}, "fr-ca": {"jtnHeroBannerImage": "https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/ukg-sandbox/1723627682::JTN_CA-FR_Banner_IMG"}}}, "talentNetworkHeroBanner": {"title": " ", "image": "https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/ukg-sandbox/1723627682::JTN_CA-FR_Banner_IMG"}, "recaptcha_enabled": 1, "companyName": "UKG", "showLoggedOutNotificationsPrivacyPolicy": true, "hideEightfoldBranding": false}, "positions": [{"id": 893378481426, "name": "Lead Security Analyst - Incident Responder", "location": "Alpharetta,GA,United States", "locations": ["Alpharetta,GA,United States", "Atlanta,GA,United States", "Lowell,MA,United States", "Weston,FL,United States", "Seattle,WA,United States", "San Francisco,CA,United States", "Seattle, WA, USA", "San Francisco, CA, USA"], "hot": 1, "department": "Security/Privacy & Risk", "business_unit": "Security/Privacy & Risk", "t_update": 1731430691, "t_create": 1727380338, "ats_job_id": "bc44e2c7-b4de-438f-917d-8ff11e3b4b49", "display_job_id": "LEADS008865", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "LEADS008865-en", "job_description": "Learn more at www.ukg.com/careers #WeAreUKG 6+ years of practical experience in leading incident response investigations, including network, disk and memory forensics, and malware analysis, and implementing containment strategies focusing on Windows, macOS, and Linux platforms Experience with Splunk, EDR, email security, and cloud environments (GCP, AWS, and Azure) Knowledge and experience in developing automations using scripting languages like Python and PowerShell to automate various tasks and improve accuracy Bachelor's degree in computer science or a related discipline CISSP, CCSP, GIAC or other relevant cyber security certifications Knowledge of the common attack vectors on the network layer, different classes of attacks (e.g., passive, active, insider, close-in, distribution attacks) Knowledge of cyber attackers (e.g., script kiddies, insider threat, non-nation state sponsored, and nation sponsored) Knowledge of cyber-attack stages (e.g., reconnaissance, scanning, enumeration, gaining access, escalation of privileges, maintaining access, network exploitation, covering tracks) Thorough understanding of system and application security threats and vulnerabilities, enabling proactive identification and mitigation strategies to safeguard critical assets and data", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "hybrid", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://apply.ukg.com/careers/job/893378481426", "isPrivate": false, "latlongs": "34.0753762,-84.2940899"}, {"id": 893378447539, "name": "Sr Dir of Advanced Analytics and AI", "location": "Weston,FL,United States", "locations": ["Weston,FL,United States", "Lowell,MA,United States", "Atlanta,GA,United States", "Alpharetta,GA,United States"], "hot": 0, "department": "Software & Product Development", "business_unit": "Software & Product Development", "t_update": 1731361492, "t_create": 1727206843, "ats_job_id": "fe485d95-cbca-4891-9e2f-c26bac26ecca", "display_job_id": "SRDIR008509", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "SRDIR008509-en", "job_description": "Learn more at www.ukg.com/careers #WeAreUKG Description: The Senior Director of Advanced Analytics and AI will lead the strategic direction and operational execution of the organization's advanced analytics and AI initiatives. This role requires a visionary leader with a deep understanding of data science, machine learning, business intelligence and artificial intelligence to drive innovation and competitive advantage. The successful candidate will collaborate across departments to implement cutting-edge technologies that enhance decision-making, optimize processes, and deliver measurable business outcomes. Under your direct leadership, the team will be responsible for supporting, and enhancing existing solutions as well as implementing new solutions that enable an exceptional customer experience. You will collaborate with key business stakeholders to understand business goals and priority and align resources based on those needs. Working in conjunction with other Service Teams you will be accountable for the delivery of high quality, scalable end-to-end solutions that support the company's strategic goals. Minimum of 15 years of experience in Advanced Analytics, Business Intelligence, data science, or AI, with at least 10 years in a leadership role. Proven track record of successfully leading large-scale Aanalytics and AI projects. Strong expertise in machine learning, statistical modeling, and data mining techniques. Expertise in data visualization and building analytics pipelines. Demonstrated experience in developing and executing Analytics strategies and managing Analytics teams. Strong proficiency in Analytics tools and technologies such as Power BI Proficiency in programming languages such as Python, R, and SQL, as well as experience with big data platforms (Databricks, BigQuery etc.). Excellent problem-solving skills, with the ability to navigate complex technical and business challenges. Strong communication and interpersonal skills, with the ability to influence and collaborate effectively across all levels of the organization. Experience with cloud computing platforms (Azure, Google Cloud) is a plus. Master's or Ph.D. in Data Science, Computer Science, Statistics, Mathematics, or a related field or equivalent experience. Develop and execute the company's Advanced Analytics, Business intelligence and AI strategy in alignment with overall business objectives. Lead and inspire a team of data scientists, analysts, and AI engineers to achieve strategic goals. Stay current with emerging trends and technologies in AI and analytics to ensure the organization remains at the forefront of innovation. Oversee the end-to-end lifecycle of analytics and AI projects, from ideation to deployment and monitoring. Ensure the integration of advanced analytics solutions into business processes, products, and services. Implement best practices for data management, model development, and operationalization. Partner with business leaders to identify opportunities where Advanced Analytics, Business Intelligence, and AI can drive significant value. Communicate complex technical concepts and insights to non-technical stakeholders effectively. Foster a data-driven culture across the organization through training and advocacy. Evaluate and recommend the adoption of new tools, platforms, and technologies that enhance the analytics and AI capabilities. Drive innovation by piloting and scaling new AI applications, including predictive modeling, natural language processing, and LLM's. Establish key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics to assess the impact of Advanced Analytics, Business Intelligence, and AI initiatives. Ensure compliance with data governance, privacy, and security policies. Manage the budget for the advanced analytics and AI function, ensuring efficient allocation of resources. Recruit, mentor, and develop a high-performing team, fostering an environment of continuous learning and improvement.", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "hybrid", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://apply.ukg.com/careers/job/893378447539", "isPrivate": false, "latlongs": "26.1003654,-80.3997748"}, {"id": 893378763180, "name": "Sr Data Scientist - AI", "location": "Weston,FL,United States", "locations": ["Weston,FL,United States", "Alpharetta,GA,United States", "Atlanta,GA,United States", "Lowell,MA,United States"], "hot": 0, "department": "Services", "business_unit": "Services", "t_update": 1731160568, "t_create": 1728673503, "ats_job_id": "41ea4381-1c9d-43b5-b674-d9ddd99c983a", "display_job_id": "SRDAT009387", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "SRDAT009387-en", "job_description": "Discover data sources, get access to them, import them, clean them up, and make them machine learning ready. Create and refine features from the underlying data and build pipelines to train and deploy models. Partner with product teams to understand, implement, refine, and design algorithms. Run regular A/B tests, gather data, perform statistical analysis, draw conclusions on the impact of your models. Implement cloud-native solutions using GCP services, ensuring scalability, security, and reliability. Design and manage backend services, databases, and APIs that support AI models and applications. Ensure best practices in cloud security and compliance are met in the design and implementation. Optimize AI-driven applications for performance and scalability. Troubleshoot, debug, and upgrade software systems. Work closely with DevOps teams to automate deployment processes and monitoring of AI/ML applications. Bachelor's degree in data science, Computer Science, Engineering, or related field, or equivalent work experience. 3+ years of experience as a data scientist or machine learning engineer with proven track record of delivering functional product-oriented AI/ML solutions Proven experience delivering AI/ML applications in Google Cloud Platform (GCP) environments. Proficiency in GCP services, including: AI Platform, Cloud Functions, Cloud Run, BigQuery, Pub/Sub, Cloud Storage, Cloud SQL, Vertex AI Solid understanding of backend languages like Python, Node.js, or Java. Strong knowledge of APIs and RESTful services development and integration. Experience with containerization and orchestration tools like Docker and Kubernetes. Familiarity with CI/CD pipelines and Git-based version control. Experience with GCP's Cloud AI products, such as: AutoML, TensorFlow on GCP, Dataflow, Dialogflow (for chatbot and conversational AI). Experience with Cloud Dataproc for processing large datasets. Familiarity with Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) for managing containerized AI applications. Experience with Google Cloud Monitoring and Logging for operational insights. Experience with MLOps practices for automating machine learning workflows. Familiarity with GraphQL. Understanding of big data tools like Apache Beam and Apache Kafka.", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "hybrid", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://apply.ukg.com/careers/job/893378763180", "isPrivate": false, "latlongs": "26.1003654,-80.3997748"}, {"id": 893378435577, "name": "Product Support Representative", "location": "Alpharetta,GA,United States", "locations": ["Alpharetta,GA,United States", "Atlanta,GA,United States", "Lowell,MA,United States", "Maitland,FL,United States", "Weston,FL,United States"], "hot": 0, "department": "Customer/Technical Support", "business_unit": "Customer/Technical Support", "t_update": 1731356721, "t_create": 1727192804, "ats_job_id": "cbdfe906-e7ba-4963-83b7-37fd1fbf7dc8", "display_job_id": "PRODU008413", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "PRODU008413-en", "job_description": "Offer comprehensive support for assigned cases, including outbound communications and support tickets. Utilize knowledge and experience to efficiently resolve challenging problems submitted by end-users, leveraging technical and problem-solving abilities. Provide timely, accurate, and complete responses to customer inquiries. Partner with various internal stakeholders in working to facilitate, isolate, qualify, resolve or provide solutions for problems reported by customers. Acquire, maintain, and expand knowledge of relevant product offerings, scope documents, and current department policies and procedures to provide accurate solutions to customers and internal support representatives. Handle highly escalated, urgent, difficult or sensitive situations. Contribute to knowledge base article creation and usage. Participation in on-call rotations is required to provide occasional after-hours support. 2+ years of hands-on experience in customer service/support environment Proficiency with SQL Proficiency with Microsoft Suite Applications including, Word, Excel, Outlook, and Teams Strong decision-making ability Bachelor's Degree: MIS, CIS, CS preferred or equivalent work experience Knowledge of Payroll, Human Resources & HR Benefits Understanding of Salesforce", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "hybrid", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://apply.ukg.com/careers/job/893378435577", "isPrivate": false, "latlongs": "34.0753762,-84.2940899"}, {"id": 893378763109, "name": "Lead AI Full Stack Developer", "location": "Weston,FL,United States", "locations": ["Weston,FL,United States", "Atlanta,GA,United States", "Alpharetta,GA,United States", "Lowell,MA,United States", "Maitland, FL, USA"], "hot": 0, "department": "Services", "business_unit": "Services", "t_update": 1731357419, "t_create": 1728672380, "ats_job_id": "90bf28d0-3904-45d0-b5e8-4561c4d42c25", "display_job_id": "LEADS009384", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "LEADS009384-en", "job_description": "Design, develop, and maintain AI-driven web applications using a full stack of technologies. Collaborate with data scientists and product teams to integrate AI/ML models into production environments. Implement cloud-native solutions using GCP services, ensuring scalability, security, and reliability. Design and manage backend services, databases, and APIs that support AI models and applications. Ensure best practices in cloud security and compliance are met in the design and implementation. Optimize AI-driven applications for performance and scalability. Troubleshoot, debug, and upgrade software systems. Work closely with DevOps teams to automate deployment processes and monitor AI/ML applications. Solid understanding of backend languages like Python, Node.js, or Java Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Engineering, or related field, or equivalent work experience 5+ years of experience in Full Stack Development (Front-end & Back-end technologies) At least 2+ years experience deploying AI/ML applications in Google Cloud Platform (GCP) environments Proficiency in Google Cloud Platform services, including: Cloud Functions, Cloud Run, big query, cloud SQL, cloud storage, pub/sub, google vertex AI Strong knowledge of APIs and RESTful services development and integration Experience with containerization and orchestration tools like Docker and Kubernetes Familiarity with CI/CD pipelines and Git-based version control AutoML TensorFlow on GCP Dataflow Dialogflow (for chatbot and conversational AI). Experience with Cloud Dataproc for processing large datasets. Familiarity with Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) for managing containerized AI applications. Experience with Google Cloud Monitoring and Logging for operational insights. Experience with MLOps practices for automating machine learning workflows. Familiarity with GraphQL. Understanding of big data tools like Apache Beam and Apache Kafka. Ability to work effectively in a collaborative, fast-paced environment. Strong communication skills and ability to explain complex technical concepts to non-technical stakeholders. Agile mindset with a focus on continuous improvement and learning", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "hybrid", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://apply.ukg.com/careers/job/893378763109", "isPrivate": false, "latlongs": "26.1003654,-80.3997748"}, {"id": 893378414618, "name": "Mgr. Managed Services", "location": "Alpharetta,GA,United States", "locations": ["Alpharetta,GA,United States", "Atlanta,GA,United States"], "hot": 0, "department": "Customer Success", "business_unit": "Customer Success", "t_update": 1731351442, "t_create": 1727105882, "ats_job_id": "694334fe-d892-4ddd-adae-da4b064a987a", "display_job_id": "MGRMA008320", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "MGRMA008320-en", "job_description": "Oversees accurate and timely client payroll-related functions including but not limited to processing new hires, termination status changes, tax changes, wage garnishments, deductions, and direct deposit. Oversees the review, verification, and processing of payroll data. Oversees the processing of manual checks as necessary. Responds to escalated payroll-related inquiries including but not limited to payroll deductions and accruals, wage garnishments, child support payments, and employment verifications; resolves employee issues. Reviews and assures accuracy of payroll, deductions, and payroll tax information. Oversees preparation of month-end and government reports. Conducts periodic client and team meetings to ensure problems are addressed and to ensure client satisfaction. Bachelor's Degree (B. A.) or equivalent, at least five years related experience at a management level, or equivalent combination of education and experience 5+ years experience working with of multi-state payroll tax laws 5-10+ years of payroll , payroll tax and/or services industry experience Must be proficient in Microsoft Office (Excel, Word, and PowerPoint) Industry related certifications is desirable; i.e. Certified Payroll Professional (CPP), Certified Public Accountant (CPA)", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "hybrid", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://apply.ukg.com/careers/job/893378414618", "isPrivate": false, "latlongs": "34.0753762,-84.2940899"}, {"id": 893378481126, "name": "Product Support Representative", "location": "Atlanta,GA,United States", "locations": ["Atlanta,GA,United States", "Alpharetta,GA,United States", "Lowell,MA,United States", "Weston,FL,United States", "Maitland,FL,United States", "St Louis,MO,United States"], "hot": 0, "department": "Customer/Technical Support", "business_unit": "Customer/Technical Support", "t_update": 1731375795, "t_create": 1727374001, "ats_job_id": "99854194-d096-4d1c-8424-4f988337b02b", "display_job_id": "PRODU008794", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "PRODU008794-en", "job_description": "Learn more at www.ukg.com/careers #WeAreUKG. - 3+ years' experience working knowledge of PC's, operating systems, web technologies with demonstrated ability to troubleshoot complex technical problems - 1-2 years of UKG Time and Attendance experience strongly preferred or equivalent applications and possess a high technical aptitud - 1 - 2 years of Salesforce case management experience - 1 - 2 years of Transact SQL (T-SQL) experience Being able to communicate effectively via printed material, on the telephone, and over electronic services - Experience in handling difficult or sensitive situations - Manage client requests in an accurate and timely manner - Provide outstanding quality support to internal and external customers with a high degree of satisfaction and technical expertise - Acquire, maintain, and expand knowledge of relevant product offerings, scope documents, and current department policies and procedures to provide accurate solutions to customers - Issue ownership from initial customer contact to call resolution which includes supporting escalations if appropriate and providing customer updates in a timely manner - Responsible for entering and maintaining customer call problem/description detail integrity in customer relationship management platform - Consistently model the highest levels of support orientation and professionalism", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://apply.ukg.com/careers/job/893378481126", "isPrivate": false, "latlongs": "33.7489954,-84.3879824"}, {"id": 893378415063, "name": "Sr Technical Support Technician", "location": "Alpharetta,GA,United States", "locations": ["Alpharetta,GA,United States", "Atlanta,GA,United States", "Lowell,MA,United States", "Weston,FL,United States"], "hot": 0, "department": "Customer/Technical Support", "business_unit": "Customer/Technical Support", "t_update": 1731097658, "t_create": 1727100043, "ats_job_id": "fba46e4a-d4db-4bef-bb8b-31ea97c025ea", "display_job_id": "SRTEC008286", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "SRTEC008286-en", "job_description": "Ability to solve technical issues to reach timely and complete resolutions Serve as a subject matter expert in Payroll, HR or Taxes and utilize technical skills and knowledge to remediate complex issues Engage in escalated customer circumstances and drive to resolution Become expert-level in multiple UKG product disciplines Assist with product enablement Adhere to and model standard operating procedures and policies Participation in on-call rotations is required to provide occasional after hours support 5+ years of experience as a practitioner of technical software support in at least one of the following domains: HCM, Payroll, HR, Taxes or other relevant technical fields Proven track record of problem solving complex technical issues Demonstrated ability to coach and mentor external and internal customers Thrives working in a highly collaborative team environment Ability to effectively present in group settings 3+ years of experience working with UKG Pro suite of products Knowledge of Dell Boomi and API integration technologies Certified Payroll Professional (CPP), Fundamental Payroll Certification (FPC), Professional in Human Resources (PHR) or equivalent certification Knowledge of support tools, such as Salesforce, RingCentral and remote access tools", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "hybrid", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://apply.ukg.com/careers/job/893378415063", "isPrivate": false, "latlongs": "34.0753762,-84.2940899"}, {"id": 893378461981, "name": "Treasury Compliance Analyst", "location": "Alpharetta,GA,United States", "locations": ["Alpharetta,GA,United States", "Atlanta,GA,United States", "Indianapolis,IN,United States", "Lowell,MA,United States", "Maitland,FL,United States", "Santa Ana,CA,United States", "Scottsdale,AZ,United States", "Weston,FL,United States"], "hot": 0, "department": "Accounting/Finance", "business_unit": "Accounting/Finance", "t_update": 1731385938, "t_create": 1727281338, "ats_job_id": "1cf0e729-a8e5-4ee7-95aa-aa89eb578b3f", "display_job_id": "TREAS008600", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "TREAS008600-en", "job_description": "Prepare and complete all bank compliance deliverables to meet deadlines established by our bank partners and state licensing agencies as required to meet our operational needs. If exceptions are identified, attempt to research and escalate to the Sr Analyst or Management as needed. Produce process management reports on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis. Performs a variety of moderately complex operational tasks, processes, and functions. Works under the guidance of a Sr. Treasury Compliance Analyst and Management to complete department requests within a timely fashion. Adhere to department guidelines and audit controls to ensure SLA is being met. Maintain effective communication with internal teams, working in coordination with the AML Compliance, Privacy & Risk, Corporate Treasury and Treasury Operations teams to facilitate the completion of all bank compliance requirements. Prepare and complete bank compliance documentation and confirm accuracy of all submitted data to ensure successful processing and approval from bank partners. If exceptions are identified, attempt to research and escalate to the Sr Analyst or Management as needed. Monitor adherence by all teams of the established policies and procedures as it relates to bank compliance requirements. Assume additional responsibilities and duties as necessary to ensure department objectives are met. Effectively communicate bank compliance and state licensing reporting status to the Sr. Treasury Compliance Analyst & Management. Monitor reporting to ensure 100% accuracy against requests. Demonstrate integrity, ethics, accountability, responsibility, initiative, and teamwork at all times. 1+ years of Treasury, Banking industry or compliance experience Bachelor's degree in Accounting, Business, Finance, Economics or related field required Experience with Banking Third Party Payment Processing (TPPP) and Third-Party Sender (TPS) requirements and audits Experience with NACHA Regulatory Rules and annual audit Knowledge of Money Transmission Services (MTS) and Money Service Business (MSB) operating and compliance requirements Experience within a payroll/tax/benefits processing organization or other payments services industry that manages client funds preferred. 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Manage projects in an organized, proactive, and independent manner to meet all required time frames and commitments. Participate in initiatives to improve PS Funding processes and rollout new technology internally. Work on stretch assignments and other duties as assigned Experience working directly with customers using various communication methods, including phone, email, MS Teams/Zoom and PowerPoint Experienced with Microsoft Office applications with emphasis on Excel Bachelor's degree in Business, Accounting, Finance or a related field or equivalent work experience Previous experience with UKG systems or similar payroll processing software", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "hybrid", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://apply.ukg.com/careers/job/893379037881", "isPrivate": false, "latlongs": "42.6334247,-71.31617179999999"}], "debug": {}, "count": 90, "countFilterByMatchScore": null, "location_user": ["alpharetta ga united states", "remote,United States"], "location_used": "alpharetta ga united states", "locationInsights": null, "showWizard": false, "disableLocationSearchDropdown": false, "pcsAutocompleteLocationEnabled": 0, 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