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We will be in touch shortly with the candidate to ask them to make a full application. Our recruiting team will get in touch with you when we have an update.\n\nIn the meantime, you can check the status of your referral at any time by visiting this <b>link</b> <a href=\"https://app.eightfold.ai/careerhub/myreferrals\">https://app.eightfold.ai/careerhub/myreferrals</a>", "favicons": {"favicon": "https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/ukg-sandbox/1715588905::ukg-favicon"}, "enableTalentNetwork": 1, "homePageHeroBanner": {"opacity": 0, "image": "https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/ukg-sandbox/1719385632::ukg_hero_image_EMEA", "hideInMobileView": false, "useImage": 1}, "navBar": {"color": "#ffffff", "image": "https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/ukg-sandbox/1716297698::UKG_w.png", "link": "https://www.ukg.com/about-us/careers", "background": "#fffff", "opacity": 1, "target": "_blank"}, "privacy": {"text": "By clicking \"I Accept\" and moving forward, I hereby consent to the processing of my Personal Information and all terms described within the <a href=https://www.ukg.com/privacy target=\"_blank\">UKG Privacy Policy.</a> I certify, to the best of my knowledge, that the information I am providing is complete and accurate.", "button": "I Accept", "title": "Data Privacy Agreement", "show_notifications_consent_text": true, "show_notifications_privacy_policy_checkbox": true, "logged_out_notifications_privacy_policy_checkbox_text": " I agree to receiving job recommendations by email."}, "uploadResumeModal": {"title": "Welcome to {company_name}'s Career Center", "subtitle": "Streamline your search by uploading your resume to be matched with positions that best suit your qualifications.", "disclaimer": "**Uploading a resume is not a formal application for employment**"}, "page_description": "Explore exciting career opportunities at UKG! Join a dynamic team committed to innovation, growth, and creating meaningful connections.", "perks": [{"image": "https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/ukg-sandbox/1721638227::health-insurance.svg", "title": "MEDICAL/DENTAL/VISION", "description": "We offer medical coverage for you and your family. Coverage is provided by Bulstrad and includes hospitalization, outpatient expenses, dental and vision care."}, {"image": "https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/ukg-sandbox/1721639280::UChoose.svg", "title": "U CHOOSE", "description": "Our U Choose benefits program reimburses you up to BGN 1,900 annually for any of 150 different life expenses, including: childcare, health & wellness, home internet, and pet veterinary services."}, {"image": "https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/ukg-sandbox/1721641936::wellness-program.svg", "title": "WELLNESS PROGRAMS", "description": "Enjoy Wellness programs to help you and your loved ones stay healthy, including wellness education, fitness assessments, exercise classes, and a Wellness Ambassador program."}, {"image": "https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/ukg-sandbox/1721639731::PaidVolunteerTimeOff.svg", "title": "PAID VOLUNTEER TIME OFF", "description": "We recognize the value of time away from work. We offer two paid days off each year for you to give back to your community."}, {"image": "https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/ukg-sandbox/1721641260::tuition-reimbursement-program.svg", "title": "TUITION REIMBURSEMENT PROGRAM", "description": "You can apply for reimbursement for undergraduate, graduate, or post-graduate degree programs that are relevant to your job or for future opportunities at UKG."}, {"image": "https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/ukg-sandbox/1721642186::Meal_Vouchers_Employee_Meal_Program.svg", "title": "MEAL VOUCHERS", "description": "We support your health and nutrition through digital meal vouchers worth BGN 150 each month."}, {"image": "https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/ukg-sandbox/1721643503::Fertility_Support.svg", "title": "FERTILITY SUPPORT", "description": "We recognize and celebrate that families are formed in many different ways. Our fertillity support program helps offset the cost of fertility-related expenses."}, {"image": "https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/ukg-sandbox/1721641461::AdoptionAndSurrogacySupport.svg", "title": "ADOPTION ASSISTANCE", "description": "We recognize and celebrate that families are formed in many different ways. Our Adoption Assistance benefit program helps offset the cost of adoption expenses."}], "custom_style": {"css": ".nav-item a { color: #fff !important;} .refer .user-name { color: #fff !important; } .fixed-top { background-color: #000 !important; } .position-job-description .block__field--wide-rich-text { width: inherit !important; }.a-link{color:#008ad1!important}.headers{text-align:center}.btn {color:#005151;border-color: #30CEBB !important;}.pillContainer .pillTitle {color: #140ba3 !important; font-size:15px !important;} .career-custom-navbar-items-container { float:left !important; } .custom-navbar-item { margin-right: 15px; } .join-tn-link { margin-right: 15px; } .candidate-login-link { margin-right: 15px; } .navbar a:nth-child(2) { float: left; margin-right:25px; } .custom-navbar-item { margin-right:25px !important; } .btn-primary { background:#30cebb !important } .hero-image { height:388px !important; }", "font": "https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/ukg-sandbox/1720608276::custom.css"}, "customNavbarItems": [{"label": "Career Areas", "hasSubItems": true, "subItems": [{"label": "Early Career & Internships", "path": "https://www.ukg.com/about-us/careers/early-career-internships", "openInNewTab": true}]}, {"label": "Life at UKG", "hasSubItems": true, "subItems": [{"label": "Benefits", "path": "https://www.ukg.com/about-us/careers/benefits", "openInNewTab": true}, {"label": "Featured Locations", "path": "https://www.ukg.com/about-us/careers/featured-locations", "openInNewTab": true}, {"label": "Our Awards", "path": "https://www.ukg.com/about-us/awards-and-recognition", "openInNewTab": true}, {"label": "Belonging, Equity and Impact", "path": "https://www.ukg.com/about-us/esg/social/diversity-equity-inclusion-and-belonging", "openInNewTab": true}, {"label": "UKG Blog", "path": "https://www.ukg.com/blog/tags/employee-resource-groups", "openInNewTab": true}]}, {"label": "Interviewing at UKG", "hasSubItems": true, "subItems": [{"label": "Careers FAQs", "path": "https://www.ukg.com/about-us/careers/faqs", "openInNewTab": true}, {"label": "Career Advice", "path": "https://www.ukg.com/blog/tags/career-advice", "openInNewTab": true}]}], "page_image": "", "max_applications_refer": 0, "applyButton": {"background": "#30CEBB"}, "mapConfig": {"enabled": true}, "defaultState": {"pymww": false}, "links": {"videos": ["https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eje82dg1jLw", "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=09Nv22GZL9w", "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9BnYiKhxCpk", "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=61omJa_ogNw"], "blogs": ["https://www.ukg.com/blog/life-ukg/curious-about-companys-culture-ask-these-5-questions", "https://www.ukg.com/blog/life-ukg/how-best-prepare-behavioral-interview-4-easy-steps", "https://www.ukg.com/blog/life-ukg/cracking-code-career-advice-working-tech"]}, "customContent": {"positionSections": [{"body": "<div class='headers'>NOTICE ON HIRING SCAMS</div><br>UKG will never ask you for a copy of your driver\u2019s license, social security card, or passport during a job interview. For new hires, we do not ask for payment for equipment purchase, cost for training, or to receive onboarding documents. UKG does not make job offers outside of our formal hiring process. To help protect yourself against potential hiring scams, learn more about our formal hiring process, outlined <a href='https://www.ukg.com/about-us/careers/faqs' class='a-link' target='_blank'>here</a>.<br><br><div class='headers'>ABOUT OUR JOB DESCRIPTIONS</div><br>All job descriptions are written to accurately reflect the open job and include general work responsibilities. They do not present a comprehensive, detailed inventory of all duties, responsibilities, and qualifications required for the job. Management reserves the right to revise the job or require that other or different tasks be performed if or when circumstances change.<br><br>"}]}, "i18n_overrides_master": {"customContent": {"en": {"hiringScamHeading": "NOTICE ON HIRING SCAMS", "hiringScamBody": "UKG will never ask you for a copy of your driver\u2019s license, social security card, or passport during a job interview. For new hires, we do not ask for payment for equipment purchase, cost for training, or to receive onboarding documents. UKG does not make job offers outside of our formal hiring process. To help protect yourself against potential hiring scams, learn more about our formal hiring process, outlined <a href='https://www.ukg.com/about-us/careers/faqs' class='a-link' target='_blank'>here</a>.", "aboutJobDescriptionHeading": "ABOUT OUR JOB DESCRIPTIONS", "aboutJobDescriptionBody": "All job descriptions are written to accurately reflect the open job and include general work responsibilities. They do not present a comprehensive, detailed inventory of all duties, responsibilities, and qualifications required for the job. Management reserves the right to revise the job or require that other or different tasks be performed if or when circumstances change."}, "fr-ca": {"hiringScamHeading": "AVIS SUR LES ESCROQUERIES EN MATI\u00c8RE D\u2019EMBAUCHE", "hiringScamBody": "UKG ne vous demandera jamais une copie de votre permis de conduire, de votre carte d\u2019assurance sociale ou de votre passeport lors d\u2019un entretien d\u2019embauche. Pour les nouvelle embauches, nous ne demandons pas de paiement pour l\u2019achat d\u2019\u00e9quipement, le co\u00fbt de la formation ou la r\u00e9ception des documents d\u2019accueil. UKG ne fait pas d\u2019offres d\u2019emploi en dehors de son processus d\u2019embauche officiel. Pour vous aider \u00e0 vous prot\u00e9ger contre d\u2019\u00e9ventuelles escroqueries en mati\u00e8re d\u2019embauche, d\u00e9couvrez notre processus d\u2019embauche officiel, qui est d\u00e9crit <a href='https://www.ukg.com/about-us/careers/faqs' class='a-link' target='_blank'>ici</a>.", "aboutJobDescriptionHeading": "\u00c0 PROPOS DE NOS DESCRIPTIONS D\u2019EMPLOI", "aboutJobDescriptionBody": "Toutes les descriptions d\u2019emploi sont r\u00e9dig\u00e9es de mani\u00e8re \u00e0 refl\u00e9ter fid\u00e8lement le poste \u00e0 pourvoir et \u00e0 inclure les responsabilit\u00e9s professionnelles g\u00e9n\u00e9rales. Elles ne pr\u00e9sentent pas un inventaire complet et d\u00e9taill\u00e9 de toutes les t\u00e2ches, responsabilit\u00e9s et qualifications requises pour le poste. La direction se r\u00e9serve le droit de r\u00e9viser le poste ou d\u2019exiger l\u2019ex\u00e9cution d\u2019autres t\u00e2ches ou de t\u00e2ches diff\u00e9rentes si ou lorsque les circonstances changent."}}, "talentNetworkHeroBanner": {"en": {"jtnHeroBannerImage": "https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/ukg-sandbox/1723627682::JTN_CA-FR_Banner_IMG"}, "fr-ca": {"jtnHeroBannerImage": "https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/ukg-sandbox/1723627682::JTN_CA-FR_Banner_IMG"}}}, "talentNetworkHeroBanner": {"title": " ", "image": "https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/ukg-sandbox/1723627682::JTN_CA-FR_Banner_IMG"}, "recaptcha_enabled": 1, "companyName": "UKG", "showLoggedOutNotificationsPrivacyPolicy": true, "hideEightfoldBranding": false}, "positions": [{"id": 893379152419, "name": "Technical Support Engineer", "location": "Sofia,BG23,Bulgaria", "locations": ["Sofia,BG23,Bulgaria", "Varna,Bulgaria"], "hot": 0, "department": "Customer/Technical Support", "business_unit": "Customer/Technical Support", "t_update": 1733592587, "t_create": 1730868555, "ats_job_id": "6ca3ec05-b411-4803-9bf4-ec300d807b1c", "display_job_id": "TECHN009850", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "TECHN009850-en", "job_description": "Put the customer at the forefront of everything you do, driving world-class Customer Satisfaction. Provide exceptional support based on agreed Service Level Agreements (SLAs) and key performance metrics. Develop in-depth product knowledge of UKG's HCM and Workforce Management solutions. Resolve escalated issues from the Level 1 team. Resolve cases expediently utilising best practice troubleshooting skills. Collaborate and communicate with internal peers and key stakeholders to progress customer issues, competently using all methods of spoken and written communication. Ensure the customer is always updated on progress of their issue with clear and progressive action plans and next steps. Utilise internal tools to replicate customer configurations and advance cases to Engineering. Develop subject-matter expertise in areas of the product that enable you to support/coach others and contribute to the overall team's readiness. Improve UKG's KCS knowledge base by creating, updating, and sharing of articles. Take on additional responsibilities as and when required. Replicating customer scenarios for configuration/environmental solutions and /or readying the issue for engineering review Log product deficiencies and work with engineering to pursue acceptable resolutions. Maintain effective communication with management for issue escalation and resolution. Participation in an on-call rotation as required to provide occasional after-hours support. Available to work onsite at a UKG office location at least three days per week, including a Monday or a Friday Excellent written, oral communication, listening and telephone skills. Fluent in both written and oral English Strong attention to detail. Proven record of high customer satisfaction and key performance metrics. Minimum 3 years' experience in supporting SaaS solutions. Experience in successfully working independently and as part of a team. Ability to perform in a fast-paced environment. Fluent in spoken and written French or German is a plus Experience using or supporting Human Capital Management and Workforce Management solutions. Working knowledge of basic networking protocols, including TCP/IP, DNS, HTTP, SSH, SFTP, VPN Working knowledge of scripting languages (e.g. Python scripting).", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://apply.ukg.com/careers/job/893379152419", "isPrivate": false, "latlongs": "42.6977082,23.3218675"}, {"id": 893379152266, "name": "Technical Support Technician", "location": "Sofia,BG23,Bulgaria", "locations": ["Sofia,BG23,Bulgaria", "Varna,Bulgaria"], "hot": 0, "department": "Customer/Technical Support", "business_unit": "Customer/Technical Support", "t_update": 1733587759, "t_create": 1730866046, "ats_job_id": "91cc7094-3015-4acf-9256-726769f6ebf9", "display_job_id": "TECHN009847", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "TECHN009847-en", "job_description": "Put the customer in the fore front of everything you do driving world class Customer Satisfaction. Provide exceptional support based on agreed Service Level Agreements (SLAs and key performance metrics. Develop in-depth product knowledge on UKG's HCM and Workforce Management solutions. Act as the first point of contact for customer support cases and requests Triage and resolve cases expediently utilising best practice troubleshooting skills. Collaborate and communicate with both internal peers and key stakeholders to progress customer issues, competently using all methods of spoken and written communication. Ensure the customer is always updated on progress of their issue with clear and progressive action plans and next steps. Use internal tools and resources to drive resolution and, or advance cases to next support level. Develop a subject-matter expertise in areas of the product enabling you to support others and contribute to the overall team's readiness. Improve UKG's KCS knowledge base by creating, updating, and sharing of articles. Take on additional responsibilities as and when required. Maintain effective communication with management for issues escalation and resolution. Participation in an on-call rotation as required to provide occasional after-hours support. Available to work onsite at a UKG office location at least three days per week, including a Monday or a Friday Excellent written, oral communication, listening and telephone skills. Fluent in both written and oral English. Strong attention to detail. Proven record of high customer satisfaction and key performance metrics. Ability to successfully work both independently and as part of a team. Ability to perform in a fast-paced environment. Fluent in spoken and written French or German is a plus Experience using or supporting Human Capital Management and Workforce Management solutions.", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://apply.ukg.com/careers/job/893379152266", "isPrivate": false, "latlongs": "42.6977082,23.3218675"}, {"id": 893379152164, "name": "Product Support Representative", "location": "Sofia,BG23,Bulgaria", "locations": ["Sofia,BG23,Bulgaria", "Varna,Bulgaria"], "hot": 0, "department": "Customer/Technical Support", "business_unit": "Customer/Technical Support", "t_update": 1733586032, "t_create": 1730865288, "ats_job_id": "154aa4a9-2016-4bcb-8278-d83e891ac5db", "display_job_id": "PRODU009842", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "PRODU009842-en", "job_description": "Put the customer in the fore front of everything you do driving world class Customer Satisfaction. Provide exceptional support based on agreed Service Level Agreements (SLAs) and key performance metrics. Develop product knowledge on UKG's HCM and Workforce Management solutions. Act as the first point of contact for customer support cases and requests Resolve cases expediently utilising best practice troubleshooting skills. Collaborate and communicate with both internal peers and key stakeholders to progress customer issues, competently using all methods of spoken and written communication. Ensure the customer is always updated on progress of their issue with clear and progressive action plans and next steps. Use internal tools to drive resolution and, or advance cases to next support level. Develop a subject-matter expertise in areas of the product enabling you to contribute to the overall team's readiness. Improve UKG's KCS knowledge base by creating, updating, and sharing of articles. Take on additional responsibilities as and when required. Maintain effective communication with management for issue escalation and resolution. Participation in an on-call rotation as required to provide occasional after-hours support. Available to work onsite at a UKG office location at least three days per week, including a Monday or a Friday Fluent in both written and oral English. Good technical or analytical aptitude Strong attention to detail. Excellent written, oral communication, listening and telephone skills. Ability to successfully work both independently and as part of a team. Ability to perform in a fast-paced environment. Fluent in spoken and written French or German is a plus A quick learner able to analyze technical issues Proven record of high customer satisfaction and key performance metrics.", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://apply.ukg.com/careers/job/893379152164", "isPrivate": false, "latlongs": "42.6977082,23.3218675"}, {"id": 893379157938, "name": "Manager, Product Support", "location": "Sofia,BG23,Bulgaria", "locations": ["Sofia,BG23,Bulgaria", "Varna,Bulgaria"], "hot": 0, "department": "Customer/Technical Support", "business_unit": "Customer/Technical Support", "t_update": 1733646142, "t_create": 1730905766, "ats_job_id": "0201dcad-bf2b-4681-9a86-f66a9bbaa0f8", "display_job_id": "MGRPR009875", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "MGRPR009875-en", "job_description": "Lead by example in demonstrating the UKG values Cascade strategic and operational communications to your team Promote Operational Excellence within the global Support Services organisation Ensure adherence to established support processes (e.g. case management, problem resolution, escalation) and best practices to ensure expedited resolution of issues and positive customer experiences Ensure that your team documents, tracks, and manages all support requests, communications, and actions in the Salesforce CRM system Interact with Engineering and other technical teams & resources to facilitate complex issue resolution Successfully develop and deliver individual development plans Deliver a consistently high-quality service which drives customer success Ensure the team are supported and have what they need to be successful against their performance goals Provide regular management updates and reports on team performance to the Support Leadership team Meet or exceed the established service level objectives for the Support Services team Act as a primary management escalation resource for customer and internal stakeholders Identify and implement process improvements which increase team efficiency, effectiveness and the customer experience Participation in on-call rotations is required to provide occasional after-hours and weekend support. Maintain effective communication with senior management for issue escalation and resolution. Available to work onsite at a UKG office location at least three days per week, including a Monday or a Friday 8+ years' experience in a product support environment with a minimum of 5+ years in a people leadership role Excellent written, oral communication, listening and telephone skills. Fluent in both written and oral English. Strong attention to detail. Ability to build trust amongst your team, peers and key stakeholders Proven record of high customer satisfaction and key performance metrics. Proven track record of operational excellence. Excellent knowledge of customer support processes and best practices. Excellent customer service skills and demonstrated track record in communicating with customers, instilling confidence and building strong customer relationships Self-motivated and results-driven Ability to multi-task and prioritize critical tasks Strong knowledge of support tools such as CRM and knowledge management Fluent in spoken and written French is a plus Prior management experience in a support environment working with customers to resolve problems related to enterprise business applications, is a plus BA/BS degree in management, computer science, information technology or a related technical discipline such as engineering Proven experience in delivering great customer experiences in a high volume, mission critical product support environment.", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://apply.ukg.com/careers/job/893379157938", "isPrivate": false, "latlongs": "42.6977082,23.3218675"}, {"id": 893379149669, "name": "Escalation Manager", "location": "Sofia,BG23,Bulgaria", "locations": ["Sofia,BG23,Bulgaria", "Varna,Bulgaria"], "hot": 0, "department": "Customer/Technical Support", "business_unit": "Customer/Technical Support", "t_update": 1733648315, "t_create": 1730833457, "ats_job_id": "bb5bbcc4-66ab-4f2e-b26e-87d1da4ba945", "display_job_id": "ESCAL009832", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "ESCAL009832-en", "job_description": "Proactive engagement with a changing portfolio of large and complex customers addressing the issues of concern, and assuming full ownership and management of the customers' escalated issues. Arrange an introductory call to introduce the role, set expectations for the engagement, and establish an ongoing communications protocol and meeting cadence. Establish an agreed-upon list of issues to frame the engagement. Setting appropriate expectations for all stakeholders (internal and external) regarding issue resolution and the process of engagement. Planning & chairing internal & external customer issue meetings; conducting conference calls; maintaining detailed issues lists; generating executive and/or general summaries as well as providing report updates for all managed accounts. Identify resource needs across multiple technical teams to help facilitate issue resolution and case closures. Liaise with all technical resources associated with escalated account issues. Provide consistent and recorded communication on status and next steps to all parties involved. Champion and represent issues to Engineering and other UKG stakeholders on behalf of the customer. Medical coverage provided by Bulstrad for you and your dependents Life, AD&D, Disability & critical illness coverage provided by DZI Meal vouchers provided by Edenred - 150 BGN per month Employee Assistance Programs available 24/7 Global Tuition Reimbursement program - up to 7,125 BGN per year Fertility support - up to 13,600 BGN per year Adoption assistance UKG scholarship program Proven escalation management experience in fast paced software/technology environments. Excellent written, oral communication, listening and telephone skills. Fluent in both written and oral English Must be well organized, flexible and able to work multiple customer accounts in a fast-paced, time-sensitive environment. Ability to coordinate efforts between the various functional teams, bringing the appropriate resources to bear on an escalated issue while often influencing without authority. Communicate with senior management internally and externally. Fluent in spoken and written French is a plus An independent and well organized, project-oriented thinker Exceptional judgment regarding escalation management and incident resolution, as well as in the ability to make timely decisions from both business and technical standpoints", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://apply.ukg.com/careers/job/893379149669", "isPrivate": false, "latlongs": "42.6977082,23.3218675"}, {"id": 893378458357, "name": "Solution Consultant (Maternity cover)", "location": "Sofia,BG23,Bulgaria", "locations": ["Sofia,BG23,Bulgaria", "Varna,Bulgaria", "Sofia, Bulgaria"], "hot": 0, "department": "Customer Delivery/Implementation Services", "business_unit": "Customer Delivery/Implementation Services", "t_update": 1733303576, "t_create": 1727273190, "ats_job_id": "790dcd40-919c-46ef-981e-9b9f52475903", "display_job_id": "SOLUT008541", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "SOLUT008541-en", "job_description": "Co-ordinate and support process changes and project updates cross-functionally. Work in collaboration with the team to support the project steps and phases. Analyze and evaluate information gathered from multiple sources, reconcile conflicts and draw conclusions. Document user guides. Ability to evaluate information gathered from multiple sources, reconcile conflicts and draw conclusions. Excellent level of English, both written and spoken University degree in a relevant or related field Medical coverage provided by Bulstrad for you and your dependents Life, AD&D, Disability & critical illness coverage provided by DZI Meal vouchers provided by Edenred - 150 BGN per month Employee Assistance Programs available 24/7 Global Tuition Reimbursement program - up to 7,125 BGN per year Fertility support - up to 13,600 BGN per year Adoption assistance UKG scholarship program", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "hybrid", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://apply.ukg.com/careers/job/893378458357", "isPrivate": false, "latlongs": "42.6977082,23.3218675"}, {"id": 893378460515, "name": "Java Software Engineer", "location": "Sofia,BG23,Bulgaria", "locations": ["Sofia,BG23,Bulgaria", "Sofia, Bulgaria"], "hot": 0, "department": "Software & Product Development", "business_unit": "Software & Product Development", "t_update": 1733605892, "t_create": 1727278998, "ats_job_id": "390515a1-eccb-4a2d-946d-81bbb22b8d05", "display_job_id": "SOFTW008581", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "SOFTW008581-en", "job_description": "Software Development: Write clean, maintainable, and efficient code for various software applications and systems. 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Begin to take ownership of working with product management on requirements to design, develop, test, continuously deploy and operate the software in production. Documentation: Properly document new features, enhancements or fixes to the product, and contribute to training materials. Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Engineering, or a related technical field, or equivalent practical experience. Proficiency in Java programming. Experience with software development practices and design patterns. Basic familiarity with version control systems like GitHub and bug/work tracking systems like JIRA. Basic understanding of cloud technologies and DevOps principles. Strong analytical and problem-solving skills, with a proven track record of building and shipping successful software products and services. Experience with cloud platforms like Azure, AWS, or GCP. Good communication and interpersonal skills, with the ability to work effectively in a collaborative team environment Demonstrates strong customer empathy by understanding and addressing user needs and challenges Commitment to continuous learning and professional development.", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "hybrid", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://apply.ukg.com/careers/job/893378460515", "isPrivate": false, "latlongs": "42.6977082,23.3218675"}, {"id": 893378462144, "name": "Senior Java Software Engineer", "location": "Sofia,BG23,Bulgaria", "locations": ["Sofia,BG23,Bulgaria"], "hot": 0, "department": "Software & Product Development", "business_unit": "Software & Product Development", "t_update": 1733510486, "t_create": 1727281893, "ats_job_id": "ef6a32ae-ad71-4eff-95a3-d9e8d654a2fa", "display_job_id": "SRSOF008603", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "SRSOF008603-en", "job_description": "Software Development: Write clean, maintainable, and efficient code for various software applications and systems. 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Code Review: Diligent about reviewing code developed by other engineers, provide feedback and maintain a high bar of technical excellence to ensure code is adhering to industry standard best practices like coding guidelines, elegant, efficient and maintainable code, with observability built from ground up, unit tests etc. Testing: Build testable software, define tests, participate in the testing process, automate tests using tools (e.g., Junit, Selenium) and Design Patterns leveraging the test automation pyramid as the guide. Service Health and Quality: Maintain the health and quality of services and incidents, proactively identifying and resolving issues. Utilize service health indicators and telemetry for action providing recommendations to optimize performance. Conduct thorough root cause analysis and drive the implementation of measures to prevent future recurrences. Platform Model: Understanding of working in a DevOps Model. Taking ownership from working with product management on requirements to design, develop, test, continuously deploy continuously deploy and operate the software in production. Documentation: Properly document new features, enhancements or fixes to the product, and contributing to training materials. Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Engineering, or a related technical field, or equivalent practical experience. Extensive experience with software development practices and design patterns. Proficiency with version control systems like GitHub and bug/work tracking systems like JIRA. Understanding of cloud technologies and DevOps principles. Experience with cloud platforms like Azure, AWS, or GCP Familiarity with CI/CD pipelines and automation tools Familiarity with developing accessible solutions Demonstrates strong customer empathy by understanding and addressing user needs and challenges Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, with the ability to work effectively in a collaborative team environment", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "hybrid", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://apply.ukg.com/careers/job/893378462144", "isPrivate": false, "latlongs": "42.6977082,23.3218675"}, {"id": 893379048640, "name": "Senior Java Software Engineer", "location": "Sofia,BG23,Bulgaria", "locations": ["Sofia,BG23,Bulgaria"], "hot": 0, "department": "Software & Product Development", "business_unit": "Software & Product Development", "t_update": 1733414296, "t_create": 1730220675, "ats_job_id": "e4593ffb-7a94-45cf-8e56-6a5e049d7346", "display_job_id": "SRSOF009758", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "SRSOF009758-en", "job_description": "Software Development: Write clean, maintainable, and efficient code for various software applications and systems. Technical Collaborator: Contribute to the design, development, and deployment of complex software applications and systems, ensuring they meet high standards of quality and performance. Project Management: Manage execution and delivery of features and projects, negotiating project priorities and deadlines, ensuring successful and timely completion, with quality. Architectural Design: Participate in design reviews with peers and stakeholders and in the architectural design of new features and systems, ensuring scalability, reliability, and maintainability. Code Review: Diligent about reviewing code developed by other engineers, provide feedback and maintain a high bar of technical excellence to ensure code is adhering to industry standard best practices like coding guidelines, elegant, efficient and maintainable code, with observability built from ground up, unit tests etc. Testing: Build testable software, define tests, participate in the testing process, automate tests using tools (e.g., Junit, Selenium) and Design Patterns leveraging the test automation pyramid as the guide. Service Health and Quality: Maintain the health and quality of services and incidents, proactively identifying and resolving issues. Utilize service health indicators and telemetry for action providing recommendations to optimize performance. Conduct thorough root cause analysis and drive the implementation of measures to prevent future recurrences. Platform Model: Understanding of working in a DevOps Model. Taking ownership from working with product management on requirements to design, develop, test, continuously deploy continuously deploy and operate the software in production. Documentation: Properly document new features, enhancements or fixes to the product, and contributing to training materials. Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Engineering, or a related technical field, or equivalent practical experience. Extensive experience with software development practices and design patterns. Proficiency with version control systems like GitHub and bug/work tracking systems like JIRA. Understanding of cloud technologies and DevOps principles. Experience with cloud platforms like Azure, AWS, or GCP Familiarity with CI/CD pipelines and automation tools Familiarity with developing accessible solutions Demonstrates strong customer empathy by understanding and addressing user needs and challenges Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, with the ability to work effectively in a collaborative team environment", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "hybrid", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://apply.ukg.com/careers/job/893379048640", "isPrivate": false, "latlongs": "42.6977082,23.3218675"}, {"id": 893378433866, "name": "Lead User Experience Designer", "location": "Sofia,BG23,Bulgaria", "locations": ["Sofia,BG23,Bulgaria"], "hot": 0, "department": "Software & Product Development", "business_unit": "Software & Product Development", "t_update": 1733487995, "t_create": 1727190094, "ats_job_id": "848e628d-4c51-4a61-b955-8293793b1d40", "display_job_id": "LEADU008390", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "LEADU008390-en", "job_description": "Defining product requirements, process improvements and policies by partnering with Product leaders across our suite. Building awareness of product roadmaps and business priorities. Leading product-level design discussions, workshops, decision-making and documentation. Providing product and design teams with thought leadership, validated design direction and guidance for complex features in the form of workflows, sketches at a wide range of fidelity, mockups, wireframes, prototypes, etc. Driving broad improvements to our product suite, grounded in sound user research and practical technical and domain knowledge, in alignment with overall business priorities. Championing the practice of design throughout our organization through strategic partnerships with other disciplines and departments. Upholding the principles and standards of our Design System in your practice, while cultivating its evolution and adoption. Basing your design decisions on quantitative and qualitative data from research with our customers and collaboration with internal partners. Leading others (both peers and leaders) toward design excellence through influence. Contributing to the improvement of our community's design processes and practices through your experience and example for other practitioners. Medical coverage provided by Bulstrad for you and your dependents Life, AD&D, Disability & critical illness coverage provided by DZI Meal vouchers provided by Edenred - 150 BGN per month Employee Assistance Programs available 24/7 Global Tuition Reimbursement program - up to 7,125 BGN per year Fertility support - up to 13,600 BGN per year Adoption assistance UKG scholarship program Expert using and educating others in the use of design and prototyping applications such as Figma, Sketch, Invision, Axure, etc. and eagerly adopting new tools and techniques. 8+ years of experience as a User Experience Designer, Product Designer for Enterprise applications (not just websites or mobile apps). Bachelor's degree in a field related to User Experience Design. Communicating even complex concepts with clarity - verbally and in writing, in person and virtual. Storytelling and presentation skills to compellingly and engagingly share your design material with peers and leaders across disciplines. Identifying, recommending and enforcing design patterns, processes and best practices for your team. Skilled at defining design direction across multiple delivery platforms (responsive browser, mobile app, etc.) Advocating for customer value through influencing, understanding and building consensus across disciplines. A design Portfolio clearly demonstrating your work and influence on design practice and process. Experience within the Human Capital Management or Workforce Management industry Facility designing for various front-end technologies and frameworks (such as Angular React, Ember, Material, Bootstrap, Ionic) Experience contributing to the development and adoption of Design Systems, Pattern libraries and Style Guides.", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://apply.ukg.com/careers/job/893378433866", "isPrivate": false, "latlongs": "42.6977082,23.3218675"}], "debug": {}, "count": 13, "countFilterByMatchScore": null, "location_user": ["sofia bg23 bulgaria", "remote,Bulgaria"], "location_used": "sofia bg23 bulgaria", "locationInsights": null, "showWizard": false, "disableLocationSearchDropdown": false, "pcsAutocompleteLocationEnabled": 0, "recommended_star_threshold": 3.1, "mocTitle": null, "fuzzyResultsReturned": false, "query": {"query": "customer technical support", "location": "sofia bg23 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