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We will be in touch shortly with the candidate to ask them to make a full application. Our recruiting team will get in touch with you when we have an update.\n\nIn the meantime, you can check the status of your referral at any time by visiting this <b>link</b> <a href=\"https://app.eightfold.ai/careerhub/myreferrals\">https://app.eightfold.ai/careerhub/myreferrals</a>", "favicons": {"favicon": "https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/ukg-sandbox/1715588905::ukg-favicon"}, "enableTalentNetwork": 1, "homePageHeroBanner": {"opacity": 0, "image": "https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/ukg-sandbox/1723640915::Canada+PCS+top+banner_no+text.jpg", "hideInMobileView": false, "useImage": 1}, "navBar": {"color": "#ffffff", "image": "https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/ukg-sandbox/1716297698::UKG_w.png", "link": "https://www.ukg.com/about-us/careers", "background": "#fffff", "opacity": 1, "target": "_blank"}, "privacy": {"text": "By clicking \"I Accept\" and moving forward, I hereby consent to the processing of my Personal Information and all terms described within the <a href=https://www.ukg.com/privacy target=\"_blank\">UKG Privacy Policy.</a> I certify, to the best of my knowledge, that the information I am providing is complete and accurate.", "button": "I Accept", "title": "Data Privacy Agreement", "show_notifications_consent_text": true, "show_notifications_privacy_policy_checkbox": true, "logged_out_notifications_privacy_policy_checkbox_text": " I agree to receiving job recommendations by email."}, "uploadResumeModal": {"title": "Welcome to {company_name}'s Career Center", "subtitle": "Streamline your search by uploading your resume to be matched with positions that best suit your qualifications.", "disclaimer": "**Uploading a resume is not a formal application for employment**"}, "page_description": "Explore exciting career opportunities at UKG! Join a dynamic team committed to innovation, growth, and creating meaningful connections.", "perks": [{"image": "https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/ukg-sandbox/1721638227::health-insurance.svg", "title": "HEALTHCARE & PRESCRIPTION DRUG COVERAGE", "description": "We offer you and your family comprehensive healthcare coverage with no deductibles, low prescription costs, and 100% coverage for hospitalization and medical services. Dental is 100% covered."}, {"image": "https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/ukg-sandbox/1721638942::401K-RetirementSavingsPlan.svg", "title": "45% MATCHING ON RETIREMENT PLAN", "description": "To help you invest in your future, we provide a 45% company match on total employee contributions to a retirement plan."}, {"image": "https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/ukg-sandbox/1721639080::PaidPersonalTimeOff.svg", "title": "UNLIMITED TIME OFF", "description": "We recognize the value of time away from work. U Krew Time is provided for you to rest and recharge. We also offer two paid days off each year for you to give back to your community."}, {"image": "https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/ukg-sandbox/1721639280::UChoose.svg", "title": "U CHOOSE", "description": "Our U Choose benefits program reimburses you up to $1,400 annually for any of 150 different life expenses, including: childcare, health & wellness, home internet, and pet veterinary services."}, {"image": "https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/ukg-sandbox/1721641260::tuition-reimbursement-program.svg", "title": "TUITION REIMBURSEMENT PROGRAM", "description": "You can apply for reimbursement for undergraduate, graduate, or post-graduate degree programs that are relevant to your job or for future opportunities at UKG."}, {"image": "https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/ukg-sandbox/1721641108::EmployeeResourceGroups.svg", "title": "EMPLOYEE RESOURCE GROUPS (ERGS)", "description": "U Krewers will be the first to tell you that UKG is a company that welcomes people from all backgrounds. And our ERGs provide the opportunity for you to connect and share your story with other like-minded U Krewers."}, {"image": "https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/ukg-sandbox/1721641936::wellness-program.svg", "title": "WELLNESS PROGRAMS", "description": "Enjoy Wellness programs to help you and your loved ones stay healthy, including wellness education, fitness assessments, exercise classes, and a Wellness Ambassador program. "}, {"image": "https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/ukg-sandbox/1721641461::AdoptionAndSurrogacySupport.svg", "title": "ADOPTION & SURROGACY SUPPORT", "description": "We recognize and celebrate that families are formed in many different ways. Our Adoption and Surrogacy Assistance benefit programs help offset the cost of adoption and surrogacy expenses."}], "custom_style": {"css": ".nav-item a { color: #fff !important;} .refer .user-name { color: #fff !important; } .fixed-top { background-color: #000 !important; } .position-job-description .block__field--wide-rich-text { width: inherit !important; }.a-link{color:#008ad1!important}.headers{text-align:center}.btn {color:#005151;border-color: #30CEBB !important;}.pillContainer .pillTitle {color: #140ba3 !important; font-size:15px !important;} .career-custom-navbar-items-container { float:left !important; } .custom-navbar-item { margin-right: 15px; } .join-tn-link { margin-right: 15px; } .candidate-login-link { margin-right: 15px; } .navbar a:nth-child(2) { float: left; margin-right:25px; } .custom-navbar-item { margin-right:25px !important; } .btn-primary { background:#30cebb !important } .hero-image { height:388px !important; }", "font": "https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/ukg-sandbox/1720608276::custom.css"}, "customNavbarItems": [{"label": "Career Areas", "hasSubItems": true, "subItems": [{"label": "Early Career & Internships", "path": "https://www.ukg.com/about-us/careers/early-career-internships", "openInNewTab": true}]}, {"label": "Life at UKG", "hasSubItems": true, "subItems": [{"label": "Benefits", "path": "https://www.ukg.com/about-us/careers/benefits", "openInNewTab": true}, {"label": "Featured Locations", "path": "https://www.ukg.com/about-us/careers/featured-locations", "openInNewTab": true}, {"label": "Our Awards", "path": "https://www.ukg.com/about-us/awards-and-recognition", "openInNewTab": true}, {"label": "Belonging, Equity and Impact", "path": "https://www.ukg.com/about-us/esg/social/diversity-equity-inclusion-and-belonging", "openInNewTab": true}, {"label": "UKG Blog", "path": "https://www.ukg.com/blog/tags/employee-resource-groups", "openInNewTab": true}]}, {"label": "Interviewing at UKG", "hasSubItems": true, "subItems": [{"label": "Careers FAQs", "path": "https://www.ukg.com/about-us/careers/faqs", "openInNewTab": true}, {"label": "Career Advice", "path": "https://www.ukg.com/blog/tags/career-advice", "openInNewTab": true}]}], "page_image": "", "max_applications_refer": 0, "applyButton": {"background": "#30CEBB"}, "mapConfig": {"enabled": true}, "defaultState": {"pymww": false}, "links": {"videos": ["https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eje82dg1jLw", "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=09Nv22GZL9w", "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9BnYiKhxCpk", "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=61omJa_ogNw"], "blogs": ["https://www.ukg.com/blog/life-ukg/curious-about-companys-culture-ask-these-5-questions", "https://www.ukg.com/blog/life-ukg/how-best-prepare-behavioral-interview-4-easy-steps", "https://www.ukg.com/blog/life-ukg/cracking-code-career-advice-working-tech"]}, "customContent": {"positionSections": [{"body": "<div class='headers'>NOTICE ON HIRING SCAMS</div><br>UKG will never ask you for a copy of your driver\u2019s license, social security card, or passport during a job interview. For new hires, we do not ask for payment for equipment purchase, cost for training, or to receive onboarding documents. UKG does not make job offers outside of our formal hiring process. To help protect yourself against potential hiring scams, learn more about our formal hiring process, outlined <a href='https://www.ukg.com/about-us/careers/faqs' class='a-link' target='_blank'>here</a>.<br><br><div class='headers'>ABOUT OUR JOB DESCRIPTIONS</div><br>All job descriptions are written to accurately reflect the open job and include general work responsibilities. They do not present a comprehensive, detailed inventory of all duties, responsibilities, and qualifications required for the job. Management reserves the right to revise the job or require that other or different tasks be performed if or when circumstances change.<br><br>"}]}, "i18n_overrides_master": {"customContent": {"en": {"hiringScamHeading": "NOTICE ON HIRING SCAMS", "hiringScamBody": "UKG will never ask you for a copy of your driver\u2019s license, social security card, or passport during a job interview. For new hires, we do not ask for payment for equipment purchase, cost for training, or to receive onboarding documents. UKG does not make job offers outside of our formal hiring process. To help protect yourself against potential hiring scams, learn more about our formal hiring process, outlined <a href='https://www.ukg.com/about-us/careers/faqs' class='a-link' target='_blank'>here</a>.", "aboutJobDescriptionHeading": "ABOUT OUR JOB DESCRIPTIONS", "aboutJobDescriptionBody": "All job descriptions are written to accurately reflect the open job and include general work responsibilities. They do not present a comprehensive, detailed inventory of all duties, responsibilities, and qualifications required for the job. Management reserves the right to revise the job or require that other or different tasks be performed if or when circumstances change."}, "fr-ca": {"hiringScamHeading": "AVIS SUR LES ESCROQUERIES EN MATI\u00c8RE D\u2019EMBAUCHE", "hiringScamBody": "UKG ne vous demandera jamais une copie de votre permis de conduire, de votre carte d\u2019assurance sociale ou de votre passeport lors d\u2019un entretien d\u2019embauche. Pour les nouvelle embauches, nous ne demandons pas de paiement pour l\u2019achat d\u2019\u00e9quipement, le co\u00fbt de la formation ou la r\u00e9ception des documents d\u2019accueil. UKG ne fait pas d\u2019offres d\u2019emploi en dehors de son processus d\u2019embauche officiel. Pour vous aider \u00e0 vous prot\u00e9ger contre d\u2019\u00e9ventuelles escroqueries en mati\u00e8re d\u2019embauche, d\u00e9couvrez notre processus d\u2019embauche officiel, qui est d\u00e9crit <a href='https://www.ukg.com/about-us/careers/faqs' class='a-link' target='_blank'>ici</a>.", "aboutJobDescriptionHeading": "\u00c0 PROPOS DE NOS DESCRIPTIONS D\u2019EMPLOI", "aboutJobDescriptionBody": "Toutes les descriptions d\u2019emploi sont r\u00e9dig\u00e9es de mani\u00e8re \u00e0 refl\u00e9ter fid\u00e8lement le poste \u00e0 pourvoir et \u00e0 inclure les responsabilit\u00e9s professionnelles g\u00e9n\u00e9rales. Elles ne pr\u00e9sentent pas un inventaire complet et d\u00e9taill\u00e9 de toutes les t\u00e2ches, responsabilit\u00e9s et qualifications requises pour le poste. La direction se r\u00e9serve le droit de r\u00e9viser le poste ou d\u2019exiger l\u2019ex\u00e9cution d\u2019autres t\u00e2ches ou de t\u00e2ches diff\u00e9rentes si ou lorsque les circonstances changent."}}, "talentNetworkHeroBanner": {"en": {"jtnHeroBannerImage": "https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/ukg-sandbox/1723627682::JTN_CA-FR_Banner_IMG"}, "fr-ca": {"jtnHeroBannerImage": "https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/ukg-sandbox/1723627682::JTN_CA-FR_Banner_IMG"}}}, "talentNetworkHeroBanner": {"title": " ", "image": "https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/ukg-sandbox/1723627682::JTN_CA-FR_Banner_IMG"}, "recaptcha_enabled": 1, "companyName": "UKG", "showLoggedOutNotificationsPrivacyPolicy": true, "hideEightfoldBranding": false}, "positions": [{"id": 893379833318, "name": "Software Development Internship - Summer 2025/Stage en d\u00e9veloppement logiciel - \u00c9t\u00e9 2025", "location": "Montreal,QC,Canada", "locations": ["Montreal,QC,Canada"], "hot": 0, "department": "Software & Product Development", "business_unit": "Software & Product Development", "t_update": 1737464266, "t_create": 1734621382, "ats_job_id": "407df3ae-106f-43be-8682-b4c9ab3e925a", "display_job_id": "SOFTW010552", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "SOFTW010552-en", "job_description": "Company Overview With 80,000 customers across 150 countries, UKG is the largest U.S.-based private software company in the world. And we're only getting started. Ready to bring your bold ideas and collaborative mindset to an organization that still has so much more to build and achieve? Read on. At UKG, you get more than just a job. You get to work with purpose. Our team of U Krewers are on a mission to inspire every organization to become a great place to work through our award-winning HR technology built for all. Here, we know that you're more than your work. That's why our benefits help you thrive personally and professionally, from wellness programs and tuition reimbursement to U Choose -- a customizable expense reimbursement program that can be used for more than 200+ needs that best suit you and your family, from student loan repayment, to childcare, to pet insurance. Our inclusive culture, active and engaged employee resource groups, and caring leaders value every voice and support you in doing the best work of your career. If you're passionate about our purpose -- people --then we can't wait to support whatever gives you purpose. We're united by purpose, inspired by you. Internship Program Details: To be eligible for this program you must be able to work in a hybrid environment and be on site 3 days per week. This is a full-time role Monday through Friday from 9:00am - 5:00pm EST. Must be available May 20th - August 8th. About the Program: UKG's Intern Academy program is dedicated to helping college students jump start their business careers at a top-ranked technology company that cares about its people. Our interns work on enriching projects that have a significant business impact on the future of our company. In addition to your day-to-day work with your team, interns get to experience our award-winning culture through mentorship, learning programs, team-building activities, networking events, and more. We have big ideas -- and need big thinkers to help us realize them. About the Software Engineering Track: Our program is not your average internship experience - you will be working alongside some of the most talented engineers in the industry doing the same work they do, with daily mentoring and code reviews. Our interns write and test production-level code and are critical in helping our engineering organization achieve their deliverables. Interns are immersed in a technical bootcamp that prepares them for the software development environment. Come make an impact with the best and brightest technologists in the world! Practical, real-world experience that will impact our 70,000+ global customers Daily mentoring from your technical mentor Participation in code reviews in an Agile environment An immersive onboarding bootcamp Participation in social events, community outreach opportunities, professional development seminars, trainings, and more! Paid internship with potential for a full-time offer that comes with top-rated benefits Basic Qualifications: Well versed in Java/Python/C#, Object Oriented Programming, Data Structures & Algorithms with overall strong technical knowledge Currently pursuing a degree in Computer Science or related technical discipline Preferred Qualifications: We prioritize rising juniors and seniors for this internship program as we view it as a potential talent pipeline for future full-time roles within our organization A team player mentality with a continuous desire to learn and improve A strong communicator with awesome problem-solving skills Drive to learn and grow Quebec candidates: While French is required for Quebec roles, use of the English language is also required due to the global nature of the business and the need to interact with UKG US headquarters and international sites. Where we're going UKG is on the cusp of something truly special. Worldwide, we already hold the #1 market share position for workforce management and the #2 position for human capital management. Tens of millions of frontline workers start and end their days with our software, with billions of shifts managed annually through UKG solutions today. Yet it's our AI-powered product portfolio designed to support customers of all sizes, industries, and geographies that will propel us into an even brighter tomorrow! Ultimate Kronos Group is proud to be an equal opportunity employer and is committed to maintaining a diverse and inclusive work environment. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, age, disability, marital status, familial status, sexual orientation, pregnancy, genetic information, gender identity, gender expression, national origin, ancestry, citizenship status, veteran status, and any other legally protected status under federal, state, or local anti-discrimination laws. Disability Accommodation For individuals with disabilities that need additional assistance at any point in the application and interview process, please email UKGCareers@ukg.com. Avec 80 000 clientes et clients repartis dans 150 pays, UKG est la plus grande entreprise de logiciels privee basee aux \u00c9tats-Unis dans le monde. Et nous ne faisons que commencer. Voulez-vous apporter vos idees audacieuses et votre esprit de collaboration a une organisation qui a encore beaucoup a construire et a realiser? Lisez la suite. Chez UKG, vous obtenez plus qu'un simple emploi. Le travail se fait dans un but precis. Notre equipe de Krewers est en mission pour inspirer chaque organisation a devenir un excellent lieu de travail avec notre technologie RH primee, con\u00e7ue pour toutes et tous. Ici, nous savons que vous representez plus que votre travail. C'est pourquoi nos avantages sociaux vous aident a vous epanouir personnellement et professionnellement, des programmes de bien-etre et du remboursement de droits de scolarite a U Choose -- un programme de remboursement de depenses personnalisable qui peut etre utilise pour plus de 200 besoins qui vous conviennent le mieux, a vous et a votre famille, du remboursement de pret etudiant, a la garde d'enfants, en passant par l'assurance pour animaux de compagnie. Notre culture inclusive, nos groupes de ressources pour les employe(e)s actifs et engages, et nos dirigeant(e)s bienveillant(e)s valorisent chaque voix et vous soutiennent dans la realisation du meilleur travail de votre carriere. Si notre raison d'etre (les personnes) vous passionne, il nous tarde de soutenir ce qui vous donne un but. Nos objectifs nous unissent, vous etes notre source d'inspiration. \u00c0 propos du stage de developpeur logiciel : Notre programme n'est pas un stage ordinaire : vous travaillerez aux cotes d'ingenieurs parmi les plus talentueux de l'industrie et ferez le meme travail qu'eux, tout en beneficiant d'un mentorat au quotidien et de revues de code. Nos stagiaires ecrivent et testent du code destine a la production, et jouent un role essentiel en aidant notre equipe d'ingenierie a livrer ses projets. Les stagiaires sont immerges dans un camp d'entrainement technique qui les prepare au monde du developpement logiciel. Venez faire bouger les choses aux cotes des technologues les plus talentueux et brillants du monde ! Details du programme de stage : Pour beneficier de ce programme, vous devez etre en mesure de travailler dans un environnement hybride avec trois jours de presence par semaine. Il s'agit d'un poste a temps plein, du lundi au vendredi, de 9 h a 17 h (heure de l'Est). Vous devez etre disponible du 20 may au 8 aout. \u00c0 propos du programme : Le programme Academie des stagiaires d'UKG a pour but d'aider les etudiants a demarrer leur carriere dans une entreprise technologique de premier plan qui prend soin de ses employes. Nos stagiaires participent a des projets enrichissants qui influencent de maniere significative l'avenir de notre entreprise. En plus de travailler quotidiennement au sein d'une equipe, les stagiaires ont l'occasion de decouvrir notre culture primee grace au mentorat, aux programmes d'apprentissage, aux activites de renforcement de l'esprit d'equipe, aux evenements de reseautage, etc. Nos idees sont ambitieuses, et il nous faut des penseurs visionnaires pour nous aider a les concretiser. \u00c0 propos de la filiere de developpement logiciel : Notre programme n'est pas un stage ordinaire : vous travaillerez aux cotes d'ingenieurs parmi les plus talentueux de l'industrie et ferez le meme travail qu'eux, tout en beneficiant d'un mentorat au quotidien et de revues de code. Nos stagiaires ecrivent et testent du code destine a la production, et jouent un role essentiel en aidant notre equipe d'ingenierie a livrer ses projets. Les stagiaires sont immerges dans un camp d'entrainement technique qui les prepare au monde du developpement logiciel. Venez faire bouger les choses aux cotes des technologues les plus talentueux et brillants du monde ! Une experience pratique et concrete qui fera la difference pour nos plus de 70 000 clients a travers le monde Un encadrement quotidien assure par votre mentor technique La participation aux revues de code dans un environnement Agile Un camp d'entrainement immersif La participation a des evenements sociaux, a des actions de proximite, a des seminaires de developpement professionnel, a des formations, etc. Un stage remunere pouvant deboucher sur un poste a temps plein assorti d'avantages sociaux competitifs Qualifications requises : Maitrise de Java/Python/C#, de la programmation orientee objet, des structures de donnees et des algorithmes avec de solides connaissances techniques generales Vous poursuivez actuellement des etudes en informatique ou dans une discipline technique connexe Qualifications souhaitees : Ce programme de stage s'adresse en priorite aux jeunes diplome(e)s et aux seniors, car nous le considerons comme un canal de talents susceptibles d'occuper des postes a temps plein au sein de notre organisation Esprit d'equipe et desir constant d'acquerir de nouvelles connaissances et de s'ameliorer Talent marque pour la communication et excellentes competences en resolution de problemes Volonte d'apprendre et d'evoluer Candidats du Quebec: Bien que le fran\u00e7ais soit exige pour les postes au Quebec, l'utilisation de l'anglais est egalement requise en raison de la nature mondiale de l'entreprise et de ses affaires, de meme que de la necessite d'interagir avec les employes ou les partenaires du siege americain d'UKG et de ses bureaux internationaux. UKG s'apprete a vivre quelque chose de vraiment special. \u00c0 l'echelle mondiale, nous nous classons deja au premier rang pour la gestion des ressources humaines et au deuxieme rang pour la gestion du capital humain. Des dizaines de millions de personnes travaillant en premiere ligne commencent et terminent leur journee avec notre logiciel, et des milliards de quarts de travail sont geres chaque annee par le biais des solutions UKG aujourd'hui. Pourtant, c'est notre portefeuille de produits alimentes par l'IA et con\u00e7us pour soutenir la clientele de toutes tailles, de tous secteurs et de toutes zones geographiques qui nous propulsera vers des lendemains encore plus radieux! Employeur souscrivant au principe de l'egalite d'acces a l'emploi Ultimate Kronos Group est fier d'etre un employeur souscrivant au principe de l'egalite d'acces a l'emploi et s'engage a maintenir un milieu de travail diversifie et inclusif. Tous les candidats qualifies seront pris en consideration pour un emploi sans egard a la race, a la couleur, a la religion, au sexe, a l'age, au handicap, a l'etat matrimonial, a la situation familiale, a l'orientation sexuelle, a la grossesse, a l'information genetique, a l'identite de genre, a l'expression de genre, a l'origine nationale, a l'ascendance, au statut de citoyen, au statut d'ancien combattant et a tout autre statut protege par les lois federales, provinciales ou locales contre la discrimination. Accommodement aux handicaps UKG s'engage a fournir un accommodement aux personnes handicapees durant le processus de candidature et d'entrevue. Si vous avez besoin d'un accommodement durant le processus de candidature et d'entrevue, veuillez communiquer avec nous a UKGCareers@ukg.com. Quebec candidates: While French is required for Quebec roles, use of the English language is also required due to the global nature of the business and the need to interact with UKG US headquarters and international sites. Candidats du Quebec: Bien que le fran\u00e7ais soit exige pour les postes au Quebec, l'utilisation de l'anglais est egalement requise en raison de la nature mondiale de l'entreprise et de ses affaires, de meme que de la necessite d'interagir avec les employes ou les partenaires du siege americain d'UKG et de ses bureaux internationaux.", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://apply.ukg.com/careers/job/893379833318", "isPrivate": false, "latlongs": "45.5018869,-73.56739189999999"}, {"id": 893379010515, "name": "Sr Product Support Representative", "location": "Maitland,FL,United States", "locations": ["Maitland,FL,United States", "Santa Ana,CA,United States"], "hot": 1, "department": "Customer/Technical Support", "business_unit": "Customer/Technical Support", "t_update": 1737264823, "t_create": 1729836750, "ats_job_id": "ca88dbb4-3864-4c19-bea1-3089ee429c03", "display_job_id": "SRPRO009705", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "SRPRO009705-en", "job_description": "Company Overview With 80,000 customers across 150 countries, UKG is the largest U.S.-based private software company in the world. And we're only getting started. Ready to bring your bold ideas and collaborative mindset to an organization that still has so much more to build and achieve? Read on. At UKG, you get more than just a job. You get to work with purpose. Our team of U Krewers are on a mission to inspire every organization to become a great place to work through our award-winning HR technology built for all. Here, we know that you're more than your work. That's why our benefits help you thrive personally and professionally, from wellness programs and tuition reimbursement to U Choose -- a customizable expense reimbursement program that can be used for more than 200+ needs that best suit you and your family, from student loan repayment, to childcare, to pet insurance. Our inclusive culture, active and engaged employee resource groups, and caring leaders value every voice and support you in doing the best work of your career. If you're passionate about our purpose -- people --then we can't wait to support whatever gives you purpose. We're united by purpose, inspired by you. As a Sr Product Support Representative, you'll be responsible for delivering top-notch support to UKG Ready customers. We value outstanding customer service skills that promote customer satisfaction and retention. In this role, you'll focus on providing full-suite support of the UKG Ready application. This is a hybrid role. The employee will be expected to work 3 days/week onsite at a US-based UKG office and WFH and 2 days. Duties and Responsibilities: Offer comprehensive support for assigned cases, including outbound communications and support tickets. Utilize your knowledge and experience to efficiently resolve challenging problems submitted by end-users, leveraging your technical and problem-solving abilities. Provide timely, accurate, and complete responses to customer inquiries. Partner with various internal stakeholders in working to facilitate, isolate, qualify, resolve or provide solutions for problems reported by customers. Acquire, maintain, and expand knowledge of relevant product offerings and current department policies and procedures to provide accurate solutions. Must be able to go into the office 3 days a week. Basic Qualifications: 2+ years hands-on experience in customer and/or technical support environment Bachelor's Degree (If degreed, Computer Science, Information Systems or Business preferred) or equivalent work experience. Preferred Qualifications: Human Capital Management experience Excellent time management and problem-solving skills Strong verbal and written communication skills Understanding of Salesforce Where we're going UKG is on the cusp of something truly special. Worldwide, we already hold the #1 market share position for workforce management and the #2 position for human capital management. Tens of millions of frontline workers start and end their days with our software, with billions of shifts managed annually through UKG solutions today. Yet it's our AI-powered product portfolio designed to support customers of all sizes, industries, and geographies that will propel us into an even brighter tomorrow! Equal Opportunity Employer Ultimate Kronos Group is proud to be an equal opportunity employer and is committed to maintaining a diverse and inclusive work environment. All qualified applicants will receive considerations for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, age, disability, marital status, familial status, sexual orientation, pregnancy, genetic information, gender identity, gender expression, national origin, ancestry, citizenship status, veteran status, and any other legally protected status under federal, state, or local anti-discrimination laws. View The EEO Know Your Rights poster and its supplement. View the Pay Transparency Nondiscrimination Provision UKG participates in E-Verify. View the E-Verify posters here. Disability Accommodation For individuals with disabilities that need additional assistance at any point in the application and interview process, please email UKGCareers@ukg.com. The pay range for this position is $50,400 to $72,400, however, base pay offered may vary depending on skills, experience, job-related knowledge and location. This position is also eligible for a short-term incentive and a long-term incentive as part of total compensation. Information about UKG's comprehensive benefits can be reviewed on our careers site at https://www.ukg.com/careers", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "hybrid", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://apply.ukg.com/careers/job/893379010515", "isPrivate": false, "latlongs": "28.6277767,-81.36312439999999"}, {"id": 893379482839, "name": "Sr Business Development Representative", "location": "Australia", "locations": ["Australia"], "hot": 1, "department": "Sales", "business_unit": "Sales", "t_update": 1737454901, "t_create": 1733302935, "ats_job_id": "1b81fae0-126b-4abe-8d18-a01626d4cd00", "display_job_id": "SRBUS010259", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "SRBUS010259-en", "job_description": "Conduct outbound prospecting to generate new business opportunities through phone calls, emails, and other channels. Research and identify potential clients within the target market and develop a comprehensive understanding of their business needs. Qualify leads and schedule meetings or product demonstrations for the sales team. Collaborate with sales and marketing teams to develop targeted outreach campaigns and strategies. Maintain accurate and up-to-date records of all prospecting activities in CRM software. Provide feedback to sales and marketing teams to improve lead generation strategies and processes. Meet or exceed monthly and quarterly quotas for qualified leads and meetings. Bachelor's degree in Business Administration, Marketing, or related field. 1-2 years of experience in a similar role, preferably in a B2B sales environment. Proven track record of achieving or exceeding sales targets and quotas. Strong interpersonal skills and ability to build rapport with prospects. Self-motivated with a strong sense of initiative and drive. Proficiency in Salesforce and Microsoft Office Suite. Ability to work effectively in a fast-paced, dynamic environment.", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "remote_local", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://apply.ukg.com/careers/job/893379482839", "isPrivate": false, "latlongs": "-25.274398,133.775136"}, {"id": 893379180460, "name": "Sr Business Development Representative", "location": "Australia", "locations": ["Australia", "Sydney,NSW,Australia"], "hot": 1, "department": "Sales", "business_unit": "Sales", "t_update": 1737371784, "t_create": 1731044497, "ats_job_id": "b5ce9967-9bbf-420e-927a-b6d910c8b43b", "display_job_id": "SRBUS009910", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "SRBUS009910-en", "job_description": "We are seeking a highly motivated and results-driven Senior Business Development Representative to join our team. The BDR will be responsible for identifying, qualifying, and generating new business opportunities through outbound lead generation activities. The ideal candidate will have excellent communication skills, a strong work ethic, and a passion for driving business growth. Conduct outbound prospecting to generate new business opportunities through phone calls, emails, and other channels. Research and identify potential clients within the target market and develop a comprehensive understanding of their business needs. Qualify leads and schedule meetings or product demonstrations for the sales team. Collaborate with sales and marketing teams to develop targeted outreach campaigns and strategies. Maintain accurate and up-to-date records of all prospecting activities in CRM software. Provide feedback to sales and marketing teams to improve lead generation strategies and processes. Meet or exceed monthly and quarterly quotas for qualified leads and meetings. Bachelor's degree in Business Administration, Marketing, or related field. 1-2 years of experience in a similar role, preferably in a B2B sales environment. Proven track record of achieving or exceeding sales targets and quotas. Excellent communication skills, both written and verbal. Strong interpersonal skills and ability to build rapport with prospects. Self-motivated with a strong sense of initiative and drive. Proficiency in Salesforce and Microsoft Office Suite. Ability to work effectively in a fast-paced, dynamic environment.", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://apply.ukg.com/careers/job/893379180460", "isPrivate": false, "latlongs": "-25.274398,133.775136"}, {"id": 893380113919, "name": "Financial Analyst", "location": "Weston,FL,United States", "locations": ["Weston,FL,United States"], "hot": 0, "department": "Accounting/Finance", "business_unit": "Accounting/Finance", "t_update": 1737431253, "t_create": 1737146202, "ats_job_id": "72c71c38-aabb-46ad-83f0-38965eb86394", "display_job_id": "FINAN011107", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "FINAN011107-en", "job_description": "Participate in the planning and development of the annual budget by collaborating with key stakeholders through gathering and analysis of historical data, trending future requirements, and summarizing in a meaningful way including product level investment analysis Provide end-to-end support for the Digital organization, while partnering to develop headcount and operating expense forecasts and maintaining ongoing communications to review actual financial results and discuss forecast assumptions Participate in the monthly close process and perform detailed account analysis related to Contractors/Consulting spend, Subscription/Maintenance Contracts, Headcount, Software Capitalization, and Capital Expenditures Develop and prepare internal reporting packages, presentations and dashboards that illustrate a well-thought-out story that is backed by strong data points and metrics and provides the business value added insight to enable business decisions Collaborate on creating \"off-the-shelf\" reporting from adhoc requests and operational analysis, modeling business scenarios and assessing and conveying the financial impact of business initiatives Continually identify and execute on internal process improvements B.A. in Finance, Accounting, or a related field Capability to develop complex financial models with key attention to detail Experience working as a business partner to operational groups Strong systems skills; specifically experience with ERP systems and data warehousing tools, Microsoft D365 and IBM TM1 Excel skills including strong data manipulation skills, PowerBI Ability to collaborate across all levels of the Company to solve business problems Strong organizational and analytical skills to understand business requirements and track plan changes Effective communication skills; listening, written and verbal; ability to interact and effectively communicate with staff at all levels of the Company", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "hybrid", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://apply.ukg.com/careers/job/893380113919", "isPrivate": false, "latlongs": "26.1003654,-80.3997748"}, {"id": 893380086311, "name": "Senior Software Engineer", "location": "Lowell,MA,United States", "locations": ["Lowell,MA,United States"], "hot": 0, "department": "Software & Product Development", "business_unit": "Software & Product Development", "t_update": 1737414999, "t_create": 1736953616, "ats_job_id": "02d320f3-d423-45f7-b2f1-dbd8d9827c35", "display_job_id": "SENIO011049", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "SENIO011049-en", "job_description": "Company Overview With 80,000 customers across 150 countries, UKG is the largest U.S.-based private software company in the world. And we're only getting started. Ready to bring your bold ideas and collaborative mindset to an organization that still has so much more to build and achieve? Read on. At UKG, you get more than just a job. You get to work with purpose. Our team of U Krewers are on a mission to inspire every organization to become a great place to work through our award-winning HR technology built for all. Here, we know that you're more than your work. That's why our benefits help you thrive personally and professionally, from wellness programs and tuition reimbursement to U Choose \u2014 a customizable expense reimbursement program that can be used for more than 200+ needs that best suit you and your family, from student loan repayment, to childcare, to pet insurance. Our inclusive culture, active and engaged employee resource groups, and caring leaders value every voice and support you in doing the best work of your career. If you're passionate about our purpose \u2014 people \u2014then we can't wait to support whatever gives you purpose. We're united by purpose, inspired by you. UKG is looking for a passionate Senior Software Engineer with high volume on UI Web application experience to join our team. Has an excellent understanding of Design patterns, programming and testing concepts. Has a deep knowledge and stays on the forefront of development languages and frameworks utilized by our applications both on Desktop and Mobile using React, Java JavaScript, CSS, SQL Server and Custom Plugin's for mobile development. Capable of working independently on complex issues, requiring in-depth evaluation of various factors. This includes analyzing use cases, situations, and data as well as investigating issues and code execution across all levels of the application stack, including external libraries and plugins to support mobile platforms. Demonstrates a well-defined knowledge of design patterns, common algorithms and exercises them in selecting methods and techniques for obtaining solutions Quickly and efficiently find robust and effective solutions for difficult problems. Perform insightful and constructive code reviews to help maintain and teach proper coding techniques and ensure that your fellow developers are considering all pertinent factors to prevent regression defects or the introduction of problematic code. Communicates effectively with other departments to effectively gather information required to perform duties. Can quickly resolve very difficult issues through analysis of the application code, 3rd party libraries and customer use cases. Write Unit Tests, API Integration Tests and Automation for new and existing features in the product. Qualifications The following core skills are required to be successful in this position: Bachelors of degree in Computer Science or related discipline or equivalent experience. 4+ years of hands-on development experience with React, Java, JavaScript, CSS, SQL Server. Design and development of Applications which leverage Authentication protocols including OAUTH 2.0 and SAML Ability to write responsive code and automate tests using BDD framework that works both web and mobile applications. Ability to resolve complex issues through analysis of the application code, 3rd party libraries and custom plugin's Familiar with Agile development methodologies. Track record of delivering high quality software on time. Android and iOS Mobile Hybrid App Development experience is a big plus LI-Hybrid Where we're going UKG is on the cusp of something truly special. Worldwide, we already hold the #1 market share position for workforce management and the #2 position for human capital management. Tens of millions of frontline workers start and end their days with our software, with billions of shifts managed annually through UKG solutions today. Yet it's our AI-powered product portfolio designed to support customers of all sizes, industries, and geographies that will propel us into an even brighter tomorrow! Equal Opportunity Employer Ultimate Kronos Group is proud to be an equal opportunity employer and is committed to maintaining a diverse and inclusive work environment. All qualified applicants will receive considerations for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, age, disability, marital status, familial status, sexual orientation, pregnancy, genetic information, gender identity, gender expression, national origin, ancestry, citizenship status, veteran status, and any other legally protected status under federal, state, or local anti-discrimination laws. View The EEO Know Your Rights poster and its supplement. View the Pay Transparency Nondiscrimination Provision UKG participates in E-Verify. View the E-Verify posters here. Disability Accommodation For individuals with disabilities that need additional assistance at any point in the application and interview process, please email UKGCareers@ukg.com. The pay range for this position is $109,000.00 to $156,700.00, however, base pay offered may vary depending on skills, experience, job-related knowledge and location. This position is also eligible for a short-term incentive and a long-term incentive as part of total compensation. Information about UKG's comprehensive benefits can be reviewed on our careers site at https://www.ukg.com/careers", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "hybrid", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://apply.ukg.com/careers/job/893380086311", "isPrivate": false, "latlongs": "42.6334247,-71.31617179999999"}, {"id": 893380051334, "name": "Strategic Operations & Customer Engagement Lead", "location": "PA,United States", "locations": ["PA,United States"], "hot": 0, "department": "Accounting/Finance", "business_unit": "Accounting/Finance", "t_update": 1737435229, "t_create": 1736784297, "ats_job_id": "b1aea98d-115d-4327-9412-68956e9a2838", "display_job_id": "STRAT011015", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "STRAT011015-en", "job_description": null, "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "remote_local", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://apply.ukg.com/careers/job/893380051334", "isPrivate": false, "latlongs": "41.2033216,-77.1945247"}, {"id": 893380019210, "name": "SR PRESALES SOLUTION CONSULTANT", "location": "United States", "locations": ["United States"], "hot": 0, "department": "Pre Sales", "business_unit": "Pre Sales", "t_update": 1737415188, "t_create": 1736541317, "ats_job_id": "57d9bb65-f6b0-4e62-b23d-5db0b6e7cdf0", "display_job_id": "SRPRE010975", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "SRPRE010975-en", "job_description": null, "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "remote_local", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://apply.ukg.com/careers/job/893380019210", "isPrivate": false, "latlongs": "37.09024,-95.712891"}, {"id": 893380007014, "name": "Sr Customer Cyber Risk Assurance Analyst", "location": "Weston,FL,United States", "locations": ["Weston,FL,United States"], "hot": 0, "department": "Legal", "business_unit": "Legal", "t_update": 1737464399, "t_create": 1736528616, "ats_job_id": "10006eae-ae51-4662-b439-93587545e875", "display_job_id": "SRCUS010969", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "SRCUS010969-en", "job_description": "In this role you will: Support the day-to-day operation of the team responsible for intake and processing of current and prospective customer requests for due diligence support, including RFPs, customer audits, requests for information, contract redlines, conference calls, etc. Anticipate customer requirements and expectations by developing and maintaining customer due diligence content that addresses customer concerns and reflects understanding of the cyber-related risks facing cloud solution providers Inform leadership on emerging customer demands and assurance activity to facilitate decision making and highlight focus areas to ensure a transparent and trust-building customer experience Implement streamlined processes in support of customer due diligence activities and drive initiatives to enhance the efficiency and customer experience of the program Provide guidance and expertise in discussions of UKG data protection practices to demonstrate that such practices meet applicable data protection requirements Exercise sound judgment in managing difficult conversations or situations, keeping the objective in mind, projecting competence, and maintaining a consistent level of professionalism Redline and advise on customer contract terms regarding overall cyber risk, aligning with UKG practice and business operations to manage risk in contractual commitments Liaise with all levels of the organization, including senior management, sales, customer-facing teams, and legal to inform and improve comprehension of cybersecurity and privacy priorities Perform additional duties and projects as assigned by management 5-7+ years experience in a technical role of a global customer/sales support environment, preferably in information security governance or related functions such as cloud/application security development BS/BA degree in Business Management or an Information Technology/Security related discipline or equivalent experience Ability to think outside the box and creatively develop content and solutions to exceed customer expectations Strong command of security, privacy, and risk management concepts Excellent communication skills (written and verbal) across all levels of the organization, projecting both competence and collaboration Superb listening and comprehension skills to adeptly understand and respond to customer concerns and risks presented Must be an organized, detail-oriented team player with the ability to prioritize daily work and support multiple initiatives simultaneously Ability to balance competing demands, see the big picture, maintain composure, and protect the company's interests in committing to attainable terms while supporting the deal in the middle of a pressure-filled sales cycle Adaptability to changing priorities and focus areas is required Experience manage and supporting cybersecurity matters involving employee data in multi-tenant, hosted environments or other trusted cloud solutions In addition to English, spoken language proficiency, preferably in French or German Comfortable supervising and coordinating with outside auditors and consultants in a variety of subject areas General working knowledge of evolving Artificial Intelligence regulatory landscape considered a plus Mastery of Microsoft Office suite tools", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "hybrid", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://apply.ukg.com/careers/job/893380007014", "isPrivate": false, "latlongs": "26.1003654,-80.3997748"}, {"id": 893379996633, "name": "Sr Payroll Coordinator", "location": "Weston,FL,United States", "locations": ["Weston,FL,United States"], "hot": 0, "department": "Accounting/Finance", "business_unit": "Accounting/Finance", "t_update": 1737431661, "t_create": 1736485584, "ats_job_id": "e125c111-f972-4abc-ba3e-71357e605473", "display_job_id": "SRPAY010943", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "SRPAY010943-en", "job_description": "Payroll Coordinator responsible for handling the day-to-day processing of payroll in a fast-paced multi-company, multi-pay frequency and multi-state environment. Will need to analyze and prepare payroll data while ensuring compliance with all applicable laws (USA & Puerto Rico). 5-7 years payroll processing experience with exposure to US multi-state agencies and Puerto Rico. Hands on experience with payroll tax deposit and filing requirements in the US and Puerto Rico. Attention to detail Ability to handle multiple tasks under tight deadlines Strong customer orientation Computer proficiency: Microsoft - Outlook, Teams, Word, Excel Formulas/Macros and Power Point Ability to handle sensitive and confidential information appropriately Must have the ability to quickly learn systems, processes, and procedures Must maintain current knowledge of applicable state and federal wage and hour laws Must facilitate management and employee understanding of payroll procedures Strong organizational skills and problem-solving expertise, while working with deadlines Bachelor degree in Business, Accounting, Taxation, Computer Science or a related field or equivalent work experience will be considered CPP In-House Payroll Processing Process In-House Payroll for bi-weekly, semi-monthly and monthly employees Review and validate pay for all new employees Process and track all Leave of Absences Manage timesheets and schedules for 2000+ UKrewers using Workforce Management application. Process supplemental payrolls as needed", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "hybrid", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://apply.ukg.com/careers/job/893379996633", "isPrivate": false, "latlongs": "26.1003654,-80.3997748"}, {"id": 893379996491, "name": "Enterprise Account Executive- Services & Distribution (West Coast)", "location": "United States", "locations": ["United States"], "hot": 0, "department": "Sales", "business_unit": "Sales", "t_update": 1737424952, "t_create": 1736484320, "ats_job_id": "cc9949f5-1d88-4525-851d-c27ae94a2289", "display_job_id": "ACCOU010938", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "ACCOU010938-en", "job_description": "Company Overview With 80,000 customers across 150 countries, UKG is the largest U.S.-based private software company in the world. And we're only getting started. Ready to bring your bold ideas and collaborative mindset to an organization that still has so much more to build and achieve? Read on. At UKG, you get more than just a job. You get to work with purpose. Our team of U Krewers are on a mission to inspire every organization to become a great place to work through our award-winning HR technology built for all. Here, we know that you're more than your work. That's why our benefits help you thrive personally and professionally, from wellness programs and tuition reimbursement to U Choose -- a customizable expense reimbursement program that can be used for more than 200+ needs that best suit you and your family, from student loan repayment, to childcare, to pet insurance. Our inclusive culture, active and engaged employee resource groups, and caring leaders value every voice and support you in doing the best work of your career. If you're passionate about our purpose -- people --then we can't wait to support whatever gives you purpose. We're united by purpose, inspired by you. About the Team: Our Sales organization has experienced tremendous growth quarter over quarter! We take great pride in having the highest employee engagement in the company. With our aggressive compensation plans and global President's Club trips, our top reps are exceptionally well-rewarded for overachieving. If you are a highly successful HRMS/Payroll salesperson and have followed our company's growing success, you know we rarely have openings in our sales ranks. Why? Because we hire only the best HRMS/Payroll Reps and equip them with the best products, support personnel, and tools to ensure long-term success. Now it's your turn to build your sales legacy: we are expanding our sales force and looking for the very best to represent UKG. About the Role: The Enterprise Account Executive will focus on selling into the Enterprise space on the Services & Distribution Team. A successful candidate will use consultative selling skills to understand prospect business requirements and recommend the best UKG software solutions to meet their objectives. You will be responsible for net-new logo sales in our S&D West business segment (2,500 ee-15,000 ee). While each AE owns a few upsell accounts, this is a true Hunter role. Core Responsibilities: Drive Enterprise-Level Growth Drive significant revenue generation and account expansion initiatives, focusing on million-dollar+ contracts and long-term partnerships across UKG, customers, and partners. Continuously bring ideas to the table and communicate them to leadership. Position all offerings in accounts to drive maximum revenue. Update forecasting and key tasks daily. Strategic Client Relationship Management Foster and maintain executive-level relationships with C-suite and senior decision-makers in all accounts, leveraging your enterprise selling experience to act as a trusted advisor. Conduct onsite executive business reviews in all assigned accounts, coordinated by the Enterprise Account Executive, bringing key stakeholders from UKG to the table. Coordinate all account communication, both internally and externally. Advanced Sales Strategy Execution Utilize your extensive sales expertise to craft and implement sophisticated sales strategies for all prospects, addressing industry-specific challenges and opportunities to drive demand and close net new customers to UKG. About You: Basic Qualifications: 5-7+ years of proven success selling cloud/SaaS solutions to C-level executives. HRMS/Payroll experience is a strong plus. Consistently exceed a $2 Million+ quota. 3+ years of experience selling complex deals over $800K in ARR. Preferred Qualifications: Demonstrated experience building a territory and pipeline from scratch. Consistently execute a thoughtful, strategic sales process, including internal business partners and executive engagement. Challenging? Yes! UKG expects a lot of our AE's and we provide a lot for our reps to succeed: Tenured management who are skilled at guiding highly successful sales personnel Seasoned Application Consultant team to assist with proposals, RFPs, and demos Expert Technical Sales Support Highly reference-able customer base with 96% customer retention with our hosted SaaS solution Solid Sales Operations and Legal staff focused on helping process and close contracts quickly Award-winning HRMS/Payroll, Talent Management, and Time and Attendance solutions, consistently outperforming our competitors' products Software-as-a-Service solution for the growing number of companies relying upon SaaS benefits Award-winning Implementation and Customer Support teams dedicated to bringing customers live in industry-record timeframes A company culture that breeds and supports success at every level, putting our employees first! Rewarding? Absolutely! You will have confidence in the performance of the solutions you sell and also in the quality of service your customers will receive, ensuring your accounts will be satisfied with their decision to go with UKG. UKG offers generous escalating commission percentages, and club locations are luxurious. Travel Requirement 30-40% Where We're Going UKG is on the cusp of something truly special. Worldwide, we already hold the #1 market share position for workforce management and the #2 position for human capital management. Tens of millions of frontline workers start and end their days with our software, with billions of shifts managed annually through UKG solutions today. Yet it's our AI-powered product portfolio designed to support customers of all sizes, industries, and geographies that will propel us into an even brighter tomorrow! Pay Transparency The base salary range for this position is $140,000 annually; however, base pay offered may vary depending on skills, experience, job-related knowledge and location. This position is also eligible for commissions and restricted stock unit awards as part of an industry leading total compensation package. Information about UKG's comprehensive benefits can be reviewed on our careers site at https://www.ukg.com/careers . Equal Opportunity Employer Ultimate Kronos Group is proud to be an equal opportunity employer and is committed to maintaining a diverse and inclusive work environment. All qualified applicants will receive considerations for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, age, disability, marital status, familial status, sexual orientation, pregnancy, genetic information, gender identity, gender expression, national origin, ancestry, citizenship status, veteran status, and any other legally protected status under federal, state, or local anti-discrimination laws. View The EEO Know Your Rights poster and its supplement. View the Pay Transparency Nondiscrimination Provision UKG participates in E-Verify. View the E-Verify posters here. 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