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We will be in touch shortly with the candidate to ask them to make a full application. Our recruiting team will get in touch with you when we have an update.\n\nIn the meantime, you can check the status of your referral at any time by visiting this <b>link</b> <a href=\"https://app.eightfold.ai/careerhub/myreferrals\">https://app.eightfold.ai/careerhub/myreferrals</a>", "favicons": {"favicon": "https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/ukg-sandbox/1715588905::ukg-favicon"}, "enableTalentNetwork": 1, "homePageHeroBanner": {"opacity": 0, "image": "https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/ukg-sandbox/1719385727::ukg_hero_image_Americas", "hideInMobileView": false, "useImage": 1}, "navBar": {"color": "#ffffff", "image": "https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/ukg-sandbox/1716297698::UKG_w.png", "link": "https://www.ukg.com/about-us/careers", "background": "#fffff", "opacity": 1, "target": "_blank"}, "privacy": {"text": "By clicking \"I Accept\" and moving forward, I hereby consent to the processing of my Personal Information and all terms described within the <a href=https://www.ukg.com/privacy target=\"_blank\">UKG Privacy Policy.</a> I certify, to the best of my knowledge, that the information I am providing is complete and accurate.", "button": "I Accept", "title": "Data Privacy Agreement", "show_notifications_consent_text": true, "show_notifications_privacy_policy_checkbox": true, "logged_out_notifications_privacy_policy_checkbox_text": " I agree to receiving job recommendations by email."}, "uploadResumeModal": {"title": "Welcome to {company_name}'s Career Center", "subtitle": "Streamline your search by uploading your resume to be matched with positions that best suit your qualifications.", "disclaimer": "**Uploading a resume is not a formal application for employment**"}, "page_description": "Explore exciting career opportunities at UKG! Join a dynamic team committed to innovation, growth, and creating meaningful connections.", "perks": [{"image": "https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/ukg-sandbox/1721638227::health-insurance.svg", "title": "100% PAID HEALTH INSURANCE PREMIUMS", "description": "We offer you and your family comprehensive medical, dental, and vision coverage with 100% of your insurance premiums paid, including coverage for infertility treatments, surrogacy, and gender affirmation surgery. "}, {"image": "https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/ukg-sandbox/1721638942::401K-RetirementSavingsPlan.svg", "title": "45% MATCHING ON 401K", "description": "To help you invest in your future, we provide a 45% company match on total employee contributions to a 401K plan."}, {"image": "https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/ukg-sandbox/1721639080::PaidPersonalTimeOff.svg", "title": "UNLIMITED TIME OFF", "description": "We recognize the value of time away from work. U Krew Time is provided for you to rest and recharge. We also offer two paid days off each year for you to give back to your community."}, {"image": "https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/ukg-sandbox/1721639280::UChoose.svg", "title": "U CHOOSE", "description": "Our U Choose benefits program reimburses you up to $1,400 annually for any of 150 different life expenses, including: childcare, health & wellness, home internet, and pet veterinary services."}, {"image": "https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/ukg-sandbox/1721640306::paid-maternity-leave.svg", "title": "PAID MATERNITY, PATERNITY, AND PARENTAL LEAVE", "description": "New parents can take paid time off \u2013 with 100% of your salary paid \u2013 to bond with your new baby or adoptive child."}, {"image": "https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/ukg-sandbox/1721641108::EmployeeResourceGroups.svg", "title": "EMPLOYEE RESOURCE GROUPS (ERGS)", "description": "U Krewers will be the first to tell you that UKG is a company that welcomes people from all backgrounds. And our ERGs provide the opportunity for you to connect and share your story with other like-minded U Krewers."}, {"image": "https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/ukg-sandbox/1721641260::tuition-reimbursement-program.svg", "title": "TUITION REIMBURSEMENT PROGRAM", "description": "You can apply for reimbursement for undergraduate, graduate, or post-graduate degree programs that are relevant to your job or for future opportunities at UKG."}, {"image": "https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/ukg-sandbox/1721641461::AdoptionAndSurrogacySupport.svg", "title": "ADOPTION & SURROGACY SUPPORT", "description": "We recognize and celebrate that families are formed in many different ways. Our Adoption and Surrogacy Assistance benefit programs help offset the cost of adoption and surrogacy expenses."}], "custom_style": {"css": ".nav-item a { color: #fff !important;} .refer .user-name { color: #fff !important; } .fixed-top { background-color: #000 !important; } .position-job-description .block__field--wide-rich-text { width: inherit !important; }.a-link{color:#008ad1!important}.headers{text-align:center}.btn {color:#005151;border-color: #30CEBB !important;}.pillContainer .pillTitle {color: #140ba3 !important; font-size:15px !important;} .career-custom-navbar-items-container { float:left !important; } .custom-navbar-item { margin-right: 15px; } .join-tn-link { margin-right: 15px; } .candidate-login-link { margin-right: 15px; } .navbar a:nth-child(2) { float: left; margin-right:25px; } .custom-navbar-item { margin-right:25px !important; } .btn-primary { background:#30cebb !important } .hero-image { height:388px !important; }", "font": "https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/ukg-sandbox/1720608276::custom.css"}, "customNavbarItems": [{"label": "Career Areas", "hasSubItems": true, "subItems": [{"label": "Early Career & Internships", "path": "https://www.ukg.com/about-us/careers/early-career-internships", "openInNewTab": true}]}, {"label": "Life at UKG", "hasSubItems": true, "subItems": [{"label": "Benefits", "path": "https://www.ukg.com/about-us/careers/benefits", "openInNewTab": true}, {"label": "Featured Locations", "path": "https://www.ukg.com/about-us/careers/featured-locations", "openInNewTab": true}, {"label": "Our Awards", "path": "https://www.ukg.com/about-us/awards-and-recognition", "openInNewTab": true}, {"label": "Belonging, Equity and Impact", "path": "https://www.ukg.com/about-us/esg/social/diversity-equity-inclusion-and-belonging", "openInNewTab": true}, {"label": "UKG Blog", "path": "https://www.ukg.com/blog/tags/employee-resource-groups", "openInNewTab": true}]}, {"label": "Interviewing at UKG", "hasSubItems": true, "subItems": [{"label": "Careers FAQs", "path": "https://www.ukg.com/about-us/careers/faqs", "openInNewTab": true}, {"label": "Career Advice", "path": "https://www.ukg.com/blog/tags/career-advice", "openInNewTab": true}]}], "page_image": "", "max_applications_refer": 0, "applyButton": {"background": "#30CEBB"}, "mapConfig": {"enabled": true}, "defaultState": {"pymww": false}, "links": {"videos": ["https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eje82dg1jLw", "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=09Nv22GZL9w", "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9BnYiKhxCpk", "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=61omJa_ogNw"], "blogs": ["https://www.ukg.com/blog/life-ukg/curious-about-companys-culture-ask-these-5-questions", "https://www.ukg.com/blog/life-ukg/how-best-prepare-behavioral-interview-4-easy-steps", "https://www.ukg.com/blog/life-ukg/cracking-code-career-advice-working-tech"]}, "customContent": {"positionSections": [{"body": "<div class='headers'>NOTICE ON HIRING SCAMS</div><br>UKG will never ask you for a copy of your driver\u2019s license, social security card, or passport during a job interview. For new hires, we do not ask for payment for equipment purchase, cost for training, or to receive onboarding documents. UKG does not make job offers outside of our formal hiring process. To help protect yourself against potential hiring scams, learn more about our formal hiring process, outlined <a href='https://www.ukg.com/about-us/careers/faqs' class='a-link' target='_blank'>here</a>.<br><br><div class='headers'>ABOUT OUR JOB DESCRIPTIONS</div><br>All job descriptions are written to accurately reflect the open job and include general work responsibilities. They do not present a comprehensive, detailed inventory of all duties, responsibilities, and qualifications required for the job. Management reserves the right to revise the job or require that other or different tasks be performed if or when circumstances change.<br><br>"}]}, "i18n_overrides_master": {"customContent": {"en": {"hiringScamHeading": "NOTICE ON HIRING SCAMS", "hiringScamBody": "UKG will never ask you for a copy of your driver\u2019s license, social security card, or passport during a job interview. For new hires, we do not ask for payment for equipment purchase, cost for training, or to receive onboarding documents. UKG does not make job offers outside of our formal hiring process. To help protect yourself against potential hiring scams, learn more about our formal hiring process, outlined <a href='https://www.ukg.com/about-us/careers/faqs' class='a-link' target='_blank'>here</a>.", "aboutJobDescriptionHeading": "ABOUT OUR JOB DESCRIPTIONS", "aboutJobDescriptionBody": "All job descriptions are written to accurately reflect the open job and include general work responsibilities. They do not present a comprehensive, detailed inventory of all duties, responsibilities, and qualifications required for the job. Management reserves the right to revise the job or require that other or different tasks be performed if or when circumstances change."}, "fr-ca": {"hiringScamHeading": "AVIS SUR LES ESCROQUERIES EN MATI\u00c8RE D\u2019EMBAUCHE", "hiringScamBody": "UKG ne vous demandera jamais une copie de votre permis de conduire, de votre carte d\u2019assurance sociale ou de votre passeport lors d\u2019un entretien d\u2019embauche. Pour les nouvelle embauches, nous ne demandons pas de paiement pour l\u2019achat d\u2019\u00e9quipement, le co\u00fbt de la formation ou la r\u00e9ception des documents d\u2019accueil. UKG ne fait pas d\u2019offres d\u2019emploi en dehors de son processus d\u2019embauche officiel. Pour vous aider \u00e0 vous prot\u00e9ger contre d\u2019\u00e9ventuelles escroqueries en mati\u00e8re d\u2019embauche, d\u00e9couvrez notre processus d\u2019embauche officiel, qui est d\u00e9crit <a href='https://www.ukg.com/about-us/careers/faqs' class='a-link' target='_blank'>ici</a>.", "aboutJobDescriptionHeading": "\u00c0 PROPOS DE NOS DESCRIPTIONS D\u2019EMPLOI", "aboutJobDescriptionBody": "Toutes les descriptions d\u2019emploi sont r\u00e9dig\u00e9es de mani\u00e8re \u00e0 refl\u00e9ter fid\u00e8lement le poste \u00e0 pourvoir et \u00e0 inclure les responsabilit\u00e9s professionnelles g\u00e9n\u00e9rales. Elles ne pr\u00e9sentent pas un inventaire complet et d\u00e9taill\u00e9 de toutes les t\u00e2ches, responsabilit\u00e9s et qualifications requises pour le poste. La direction se r\u00e9serve le droit de r\u00e9viser le poste ou d\u2019exiger l\u2019ex\u00e9cution d\u2019autres t\u00e2ches ou de t\u00e2ches diff\u00e9rentes si ou lorsque les circonstances changent."}}, "talentNetworkHeroBanner": {"en": {"jtnHeroBannerImage": "https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/ukg-sandbox/1723627682::JTN_CA-FR_Banner_IMG"}, "fr-ca": {"jtnHeroBannerImage": "https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/ukg-sandbox/1723627682::JTN_CA-FR_Banner_IMG"}}}, "talentNetworkHeroBanner": {"title": " ", "image": "https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/ukg-sandbox/1723627682::JTN_CA-FR_Banner_IMG"}, "recaptcha_enabled": 1, "companyName": "UKG", "showLoggedOutNotificationsPrivacyPolicy": true, "hideEightfoldBranding": false}, "positions": [{"id": 893379010515, "name": "Sr Product Support Representative", "location": "Maitland,FL,United States", "locations": ["Maitland,FL,United States", "Santa Ana,CA,United States"], "hot": 1, "department": "Customer/Technical Support", "business_unit": "Customer/Technical Support", "t_update": 1736894345, "t_create": 1729836750, "ats_job_id": "ca88dbb4-3864-4c19-bea1-3089ee429c03", "display_job_id": "SRPRO009705", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "SRPRO009705-en", "job_description": "Company Overview With 80,000 customers across 150 countries, UKG is the largest U.S.-based private software company in the world. And we're only getting started. Ready to bring your bold ideas and collaborative mindset to an organization that still has so much more to build and achieve? Read on. At UKG, you get more than just a job. You get to work with purpose. Our team of U Krewers are on a mission to inspire every organization to become a great place to work through our award-winning HR technology built for all. Here, we know that you're more than your work. That's why our benefits help you thrive personally and professionally, from wellness programs and tuition reimbursement to U Choose -- a customizable expense reimbursement program that can be used for more than 200+ needs that best suit you and your family, from student loan repayment, to childcare, to pet insurance. Our inclusive culture, active and engaged employee resource groups, and caring leaders value every voice and support you in doing the best work of your career. If you're passionate about our purpose -- people --then we can't wait to support whatever gives you purpose. We're united by purpose, inspired by you. As a Sr Product Support Representative, you'll be responsible for delivering top-notch support to UKG Ready customers. We value outstanding customer service skills that promote customer satisfaction and retention. In this role, you'll focus on providing full-suite support of the UKG Ready application. This is a hybrid role. The employee will be expected to work 3 days/week onsite at a US-based UKG office and WFH and 2 days. Duties and Responsibilities: Offer comprehensive support for assigned cases, including outbound communications and support tickets. Utilize your knowledge and experience to efficiently resolve challenging problems submitted by end-users, leveraging your technical and problem-solving abilities. Provide timely, accurate, and complete responses to customer inquiries. Partner with various internal stakeholders in working to facilitate, isolate, qualify, resolve or provide solutions for problems reported by customers. Acquire, maintain, and expand knowledge of relevant product offerings and current department policies and procedures to provide accurate solutions. Must be able to go into the office 3 days a week. Basic Qualifications: 2+ years hands-on experience in customer and/or technical support environment Bachelor's Degree (If degreed, Computer Science, Information Systems or Business preferred) or equivalent work experience. Preferred Qualifications: Human Capital Management experience Excellent time management and problem-solving skills Strong verbal and written communication skills Understanding of Salesforce Where we're going UKG is on the cusp of something truly special. Worldwide, we already hold the #1 market share position for workforce management and the #2 position for human capital management. Tens of millions of frontline workers start and end their days with our software, with billions of shifts managed annually through UKG solutions today. Yet it's our AI-powered product portfolio designed to support customers of all sizes, industries, and geographies that will propel us into an even brighter tomorrow! Equal Opportunity Employer Ultimate Kronos Group is proud to be an equal opportunity employer and is committed to maintaining a diverse and inclusive work environment. All qualified applicants will receive considerations for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, age, disability, marital status, familial status, sexual orientation, pregnancy, genetic information, gender identity, gender expression, national origin, ancestry, citizenship status, veteran status, and any other legally protected status under federal, state, or local anti-discrimination laws. View The EEO Know Your Rights poster and its supplement. View the Pay Transparency Nondiscrimination Provision UKG participates in E-Verify. View the E-Verify posters here. Disability Accommodation For individuals with disabilities that need additional assistance at any point in the application and interview process, please email UKGCareers@ukg.com. The pay range for this position is $50,400 to $72,400, however, base pay offered may vary depending on skills, experience, job-related knowledge and location. This position is also eligible for a short-term incentive and a long-term incentive as part of total compensation. Information about UKG's comprehensive benefits can be reviewed on our careers site at https://www.ukg.com/careers", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "hybrid", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://apply.ukg.com/careers/job/893379010515", "isPrivate": false, "latlongs": "28.6277767,-81.36312439999999"}, {"id": 893379482839, "name": "Sr Business Development Representative", "location": "Australia", "locations": ["Australia"], "hot": 1, "department": "Sales", "business_unit": "Sales", "t_update": 1736883817, "t_create": 1733302935, "ats_job_id": "1b81fae0-126b-4abe-8d18-a01626d4cd00", "display_job_id": "SRBUS010259", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "SRBUS010259-en", "job_description": "Conduct outbound prospecting to generate new business opportunities through phone calls, emails, and other channels. Research and identify potential clients within the target market and develop a comprehensive understanding of their business needs. Qualify leads and schedule meetings or product demonstrations for the sales team. Collaborate with sales and marketing teams to develop targeted outreach campaigns and strategies. Maintain accurate and up-to-date records of all prospecting activities in CRM software. Provide feedback to sales and marketing teams to improve lead generation strategies and processes. Meet or exceed monthly and quarterly quotas for qualified leads and meetings. Bachelor's degree in Business Administration, Marketing, or related field. 1-2 years of experience in a similar role, preferably in a B2B sales environment. Proven track record of achieving or exceeding sales targets and quotas. Strong interpersonal skills and ability to build rapport with prospects. Self-motivated with a strong sense of initiative and drive. Proficiency in Salesforce and Microsoft Office Suite. Ability to work effectively in a fast-paced, dynamic environment.", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "remote_local", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://apply.ukg.com/careers/job/893379482839", "isPrivate": false, "latlongs": "-25.274398,133.775136"}, {"id": 893379180460, "name": "Sr Business Development Representative", "location": "Australia", "locations": ["Australia", "Sydney,NSW,Australia"], "hot": 1, "department": "Sales", "business_unit": "Sales", "t_update": 1736884005, "t_create": 1731044497, "ats_job_id": "b5ce9967-9bbf-420e-927a-b6d910c8b43b", "display_job_id": "SRBUS009910", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "SRBUS009910-en", "job_description": "We are seeking a highly motivated and results-driven Senior Business Development Representative to join our team. The BDR will be responsible for identifying, qualifying, and generating new business opportunities through outbound lead generation activities. The ideal candidate will have excellent communication skills, a strong work ethic, and a passion for driving business growth. Conduct outbound prospecting to generate new business opportunities through phone calls, emails, and other channels. Research and identify potential clients within the target market and develop a comprehensive understanding of their business needs. Qualify leads and schedule meetings or product demonstrations for the sales team. Collaborate with sales and marketing teams to develop targeted outreach campaigns and strategies. Maintain accurate and up-to-date records of all prospecting activities in CRM software. Provide feedback to sales and marketing teams to improve lead generation strategies and processes. Meet or exceed monthly and quarterly quotas for qualified leads and meetings. Bachelor's degree in Business Administration, Marketing, or related field. 1-2 years of experience in a similar role, preferably in a B2B sales environment. Proven track record of achieving or exceeding sales targets and quotas. Excellent communication skills, both written and verbal. Strong interpersonal skills and ability to build rapport with prospects. Self-motivated with a strong sense of initiative and drive. Proficiency in Salesforce and Microsoft Office Suite. Ability to work effectively in a fast-paced, dynamic environment.", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://apply.ukg.com/careers/job/893379180460", "isPrivate": false, "latlongs": "-25.274398,133.775136"}, {"id": 893380019210, "name": "SR PRESALES SOLUTION CONSULTANT", "location": "United States", "locations": ["United States"], "hot": 0, "department": "Pre Sales", "business_unit": "Pre Sales", "t_update": 1736903992, "t_create": 1736541317, "ats_job_id": "57d9bb65-f6b0-4e62-b23d-5db0b6e7cdf0", "display_job_id": "SRPRE010975", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "SRPRE010975-en", "job_description": null, "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "remote_local", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://apply.ukg.com/careers/job/893380019210", "isPrivate": false, "latlongs": "37.09024,-95.712891"}, {"id": 893379946978, "name": "Sr Solution Consultant Public Sector - WFM", "location": "United States", "locations": ["United States"], "hot": 0, "department": "Customer Delivery/Implementation Services", "business_unit": "Customer Delivery/Implementation Services", "t_update": 1736901836, "t_create": 1736230088, "ats_job_id": "78b995c3-2cb5-4b83-a5e3-38e8517a9cda", "display_job_id": "SRSOL010815", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "SRSOL010815-en", "job_description": "Company Overview With 80,000 customers across 150 countries, UKG is the largest U.S.-based private software company in the world. And we're only getting started. Ready to bring your bold ideas and collaborative mindset to an organization that still has so much more to build and achieve? Read on. At UKG, you get more than just a job. You get to work with purpose. Our team of U Krewers are on a mission to inspire every organization to become a great place to work through our award-winning HR technology built for all. Here, we know that you're more than your work. That's why our benefits help you thrive personally and professionally, from wellness programs and tuition reimbursement to U Choose -- a customizable expense reimbursement program that can be used for more than 200+ needs that best suit you and your family, from student loan repayment, to childcare, to pet insurance. Our inclusive culture, active and engaged employee resource groups, and caring leaders value every voice and support you in doing the best work of your career. If you're passionate about our purpose -- people --then we can't wait to support whatever gives you purpose. We're united by purpose, inspired by you. The Solution Consultant is responsible for implementing our UKG workforce management solutions (WFM), for UKG customers. As the Solution Consultant, you will sculpt the design of the application and utilize the defined implementation process to meet the established implementation milestones and targeted completion dates. You will also work in a team environment to implement and support products that UKG sells to its customers and will work closely with the UKG Project Managers to complete tasks delegated by the Project Managers toward completing system implementations. Using professional concepts, implement software in various environments Perform business rule analysis Configure software applications Understand and configure software interfacing products Follow practices and procedures in analyzing a variety of business situations or data requiring a review of a variety of factors Provide knowledge transfer for customers Advise customers on system configuration, industry specific features and system processes and procedures Research application questions, assist with setting up testing scenarios and provide testing support to the customer team Utilize technical ability to prioritize issues and respond appropriately to multiple critical situations Basic Qualifications: 3+ years consulting/customer interface experience required Software applications implementation experience Flexibility to travel as needed up to 25% Preferred Qualifications: Broad knowledge of scheduling, labor management, HR/Payroll, ERP, or similar domain product/systems is preferred UKG Pro WFM experience preferred or (Kronos Workforce Central or Dimensions) Interpersonal skills, analytical mindset, and technical product knowledge are critical to success Excellent oral and written communication skills Bachelor's Degree in technical discipline (or equivalent experience) and a minimum of 3+ years of related work experience is preferred Where we're going UKG is on the cusp of something truly special. Worldwide, we already hold the #1 market share position for workforce management and the #2 position for human capital management. Tens of millions of frontline workers start and end their days with our software, with billions of shifts managed annually through UKG solutions today. Yet it's our AI-powered product portfolio designed to support customers of all sizes, industries, and geographies that will propel us into an even brighter tomorrow! Equal Opportunity Employer Ultimate Kronos Group is proud to be an equal opportunity employer and is committed to maintaining a diverse and inclusive work environment. All qualified applicants will receive considerations for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, age, disability, marital status, familial status, sexual orientation, pregnancy, genetic information, gender identity, gender expression, national origin, ancestry, citizenship status, veteran status, and any other legally protected status under federal, state, or local anti-discrimination laws. View The EEO Know Your Rights poster and its supplement. View the Pay Transparency Nondiscrimination Provision UKG participates in E-Verify. View the E-Verify posters here. Disability Accommodation For individuals with disabilities that need additional assistance at any point in the application and interview process, please email UKGCareers@ukg.com. The pay range for this position is $70,100 to $100,800, however, base pay offered may vary depending on skills, experience, job-related knowledge and location. This position is also eligible for a short-term incentive and a long-term incentive as part of total compensation. 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Strong decision making and problem-solving skills. A self-directed team player: collaborative, seeks input, accepts and incorporates feedback from others, freely offers assistance Experience with UKG Products (UKG Pro Payroll, Workforce Ready, Workforce Central or Dimensions) Industry Certifications from APA (FPC and CPP) and SHRM (PHR)", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "remote_local", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://apply.ukg.com/careers/job/893379933364", "isPrivate": false, "latlongs": "37.09024,-95.712891"}, {"id": 893379915609, "name": "Administrative Assistant", "location": "Atlanta,GA,United States", "locations": ["Atlanta,GA,United States", "Lowell,MA,United States", "Ft. 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That's why our benefits help you thrive personally and professionally, from wellness programs and tuition reimbursement to U Choose -- a customizable expense reimbursement program that can be used for more than 200+ needs that best suit you and your family, from student loan repayment, to childcare, to pet insurance. Our inclusive culture, active and engaged employee resource groups, and caring leaders value every voice and support you in doing the best work of your career. If you're passionate about our purpose -- people --then we can't wait to support whatever gives you purpose. We're united by purpose, inspired by you. 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Tens of millions of frontline workers start and end their days with our software, with billions of shifts managed annually through UKG solutions today. Yet it's our AI-powered product portfolio designed to support customers of all sizes, industries, and geographies that will propel us into an even brighter tomorrow! Equal Opportunity Employer Ultimate Kronos Group is proud to be an equal opportunity employer and is committed to maintaining a diverse and inclusive work environment. All qualified applicants will receive considerations for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, age, disability, marital status, familial status, sexual orientation, pregnancy, genetic information, gender identity, gender expression, national origin, ancestry, citizenship status, veteran status, and any other legally protected status under federal, state, or local anti-discrimination laws. View The EEO Know Your Rights poster and its supplement. 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